Chapter 27

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"i hope you're not mad at Claire and Will for not calling you earlier but i asked them to call you now and tell you to come out" he said and cleared his throat. I was still in his arms breathing in his scent

"No, of course I'm not" i said lowly

"I also hope you're not mad at me for, you know, leaving you alone all day on your birthday" he coughed awkwardly. It was hard but i took a step back to look in his beautiful blue eyes. I put my hand on his cheek feeling his now very long beard tickling my hand.

"I'm not. You've got nothing to worry about" i dropped my hand and turned around "can you help me with the necklace?" He cleared his throat again then put the necklace on. I loved how the silver A was shining on my skin. I don't know what the A means to him but for me it's going to stand for Alec.

"Let's eat, shall we?" He asked breaking the silence. I nodded and started walking towards the table. He helped me get in my chair and we started eating. The food was delicious. Alec kept starting at me the whole time we ate and it made me a little uncomfortable.

"The food was really tasty. Thank you" i said.

"Glad you liked it" he bit his lower lip and I thought it was about to explode from how hard he was biting it.

"Alec!" I whispered. There was no need to yell cause he was very close to me. He released his lip and look at me frowning. "Why are you so nervous?"

"I- I'm not nervous" he said not looking me in the eye. I dropped it.

"Let's clean this up" i motioned to the table

"No, I'll do it. It's your birthday" he said but he was clearly distracted. I shook my head and started cleaning the things off the table "Aurora, i said I'll do it." He wanted to take the things out of my hand.

"You can move the table back inside then the chairs. I'm gonna go wash the plates" i said and walked inside. After we were finished Alec brought a bottle of wine and two glasses. "I don't drink, Alec" i said unsure

"Just a bit?" He asked. I sighed and nodded my head. He poured wine in both glasses. "Cheers" he said and stared drinking his. I took only a few sips from mine and he was done. He wanted to pour himself another glass but i stopped him.

"You're not getting drunk today" i took the bottle out of his hands and put it back in the kitchen along with my almost full glass. I walked back outside and he wasn't standing on the chair anymore. He was walking towards the ocean. I started walking as well. He was still dressed and stopped in front of the ocean.

"Can i ask you something?" He asked when i stopped next to him

"Sure" i said

"On the first night we slept here when you said i have control over you, did you mean it?" He looked me in the eyes waiting for my answer

"Y-yes" i breathed out. Where was he going with this? He nodded looking back at the ocean

"So if i asked you to do something you would trust me enough to do it?" He asked looking back at me. I licked my lips feeling them very dry

"Yes. Why are you asking me these things?"

"No reason" he shook his head "let's swim, what do you say?"

"Sure" i shrugged and he took of his clothes. He was only wearing his boxer briefs. I tried to look everywhere but not there. I sighed and walked in the ocean and he did too. I turned to him and almost hit my head in his chin. I didn't expect him to be this close. "Can we go shopping tomorrow?" I asked biting my lip

"You know i hate shopping, Aurora" his jaw was ticking.

"Please?" I looked at him with puppy eyes and pouted. He looked at me and huffed

"That's not fair" he said a bit angry

"I'll let you do something to me" i said but i regretted it immediately when i saw his smirk

"Anything i want?"

"Urm yeah?" I said unsure

"You'll let me give you a love bite?" He raised his eyebrow. I went bright red


"There are gonna be a lot of men looking at you tommorow and you wouldn't want them to bother you, right?" He licked his lips

"Alec, I-"

"Just a little one right here" he put his hand on my neck moving his thumb up and down. He looked me in the eyes and came closer. I couldn't even breathe anymore. I could feel his breath on the side of my neck. I was waiting for him to lick it or bite it but instead he just placed a soft kiss on my neck and moved back "I'll take you shopping"

My head was spinning and it was hard for me to process what just happened. Why didn't he give me a hickey?

"Why didn't you-?" I asked

"Cause you're not mine" he sighed. I frowned and looked down. He got under water and i couldn't see him because it was very dark. I felt a hand on my leg and before i could move away or take a breath of air he pulled me under water. I got out and started coughing. He was laughing at me now

"Bastard" i muttered under my breath

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