Ch. 1 Stiles

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Pack training had been harder that day. It might have been because Stiles stayed up the night before looking up info about the wendigo said to be moving down south. Which would be stupid because Wendigo's are known to be hidden within the deepest, coldest, parts of the winter months. Plus they are known to be closer to Canada if not in Canada because of its cold environment. Or it could have been because he was human and the wolf training he did was harder on him.

Stiles let his mind run with that thought as the hot water ran down his body. He stood under the shower spray for what felt like hours. Needing the hotness the water gave him to replace the aching pain in his bones. Jackson just had to throw him, didn't he. He thought with an eye roll. The water did feel great and after the long hot shower, Stiles let his body finally fall down onto his bed breathing in the scent his blanket held.

It smiled like pack, which wasn't weird because this was the blanket that Derek had gotten him for his birthday. It's the least Derek could do after he got blood all over Stiles' old one. Stiles smiled. He knew that day well. It, he now knew, was the day he truly started to care for Derek's pack. Of course he always cared for them but it was different. It had always been different.

He was in Scotts pack, he was Scotts pack member after all. Yet Stiles the idiot he was he changed all that. That he, without knowing, made a commitment to another pack. An Alpha that wasn's his. Betas he didn't fight along. Yet he made the choice to help at that moment and he sure as hell wouldn't change a thing now.

Stiles sat at his desk. Isaac sat on the floor by his desk a book in hand while Erica and Boyd were curled up on his bed. They had gotten them out in time. Saved them both and Cora. Derek believe all three of them would be safer at Stiles house and Deaton had given him more mountain ash to line the whole building to keep the six of them safe. Jackson of course stayed behind to help make sure everything was safe, much to his dismay.  

His bedroom door opened to show Cora and Jackson walking in with sodas and food in their hands. Cora turned to look at the couple, her eyes held pain but she said nothing, while Jackson moved to hand a drink to Isaac."Is there a reason why you raided my fridge?" He asked a smile playing on his lips. Cora rolled her eyes hiding a small smile of her own.

"Shut it Stiles." She snapped throwing a soda his way before moving to sit by the window. He did not almost drop the soda, nope he did not. His room grew quite the soft snoring of Erica was the only sound. Stiles went back to his laptop. Going through blogs after blogs about werewolf information, trying to find out how to save his pack. His hand moving to run through Isaacs hair every now and then. The beta letting him do just that, leaning into the touch.

"Stiles."  His name was called. He didn't move his eyes moving down the screen. He just found something on same sex mates and how they are held at the highest standards in the supernatural world. Which gave him some hope. "STILES!" A female yelled making him jump and the two wolves on his bed jumped up in fear. "WHAT?!" He snapped, surprising not only everyone in the room but himself as well.

Cora flinched inadvertently making Stiles feel something cold inside of him. "I'm sorry Cora." She shook her head. Not wanting to talk about it. "Derek is here. I think he's hurt." Cora looked outside the window. "Let him in please." Stiles didn't hesitate to move to his window. True to her word Stiles found Derek waiting under his bedroom window. Quickly looking to find any sign of danger, Stiles broke the mountain ash on the window seal.

Derek moved quickly to get into the window, which was open prior to his arrival. Stiles added more ash to be sure they were safe, he looked back at the pack, Erica and Boyd had moved so Derek could lay on his bed. Blood dripping from cuts on his chest and arm. Stiles without much thought went to work. His hands moving like they hand done this a thousand times  before.

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