Ch. 3 Derek

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Turns out Stiles did not have the book needed to help change Derek back to his normal self. So now they had to take a little trip to the Clinic. Deaton held back a laugh once he saw Derek. "Witch?" He asked. Derek nodded looking at the floor. Stiles laughed, his hand moving to touch the place behind his ear, he growled threating to bit Stiles hand. Stiles didn't move his hand of course, knowing Derek wouldn't really hurt him. Derek would never hurt Stiles.

Deaton moved to the backroom Stiles and Derek followed behind him. Put his hand against the back wall in the loading dock, it swung open to reveal a staircase that lead to a lower level under the building. The three of them made their way down the stairs Stiles eyes lighting up at the sight of the potions and ingredients that lined the shelves.

Derek watched as Stiles moved around the room like it was his own and made a mental note to make one of the spare rooms into a room like this for Stiles. Deaton pulled a big brown book from one of the shelves in the room. It looked like the language was in Polish, a language that Derek did not know. Stiles stood near Deaton getting the things he asked for and putting them in a bowl.

Derek sat on a stool watching as the two men worked together like they had worked together for years. It was truly beautiful the way Stiles hands moved around. Derek was so distracted by the way Stiles moved that he didn't realize they were done. Stiles moved to stand in front of him holding the bowl out for Derek to take. With clawed hands he took the bowl the smell burned his nose.

"This smells gross." He said looking up at the two men. Stiles laughed, "of course it does, but if you want to get back to normal you gotta drink up Sourwolf." Derek felt a smile pull at his lips he used the bowl to cover it up quickly drinking the liquid. Deaton and Stiles stood watching as Derek's wolf like features changed back to his human ones. Derek felt his face burn with the changing his hands rubbed at his face once the burn was gone.

Stiles smiled before he moved to touch Derek's face, his fingers light and cold, something Stiles was always. Cold. Derek felt himself lean into the touch of the human, closing his eyes. He could hear the humans heart beat pick up with this little head tilt he did. The sound of glass bottles moving around pulled them both back to the real world. They moved away from each other, Dereks eyes meeting Deaton's. He knew. Derek thought, fear peaking out for a second before it disappeared.

"Thank you Deaton for your help." Derek said standing to move away from the human. Deaton smiled lightly before nodding his head to Stiles. "I couldn't have done it without Stiles. He understands Polish more then myself." Derek turned to look at Stiles surprised that the human knew such a language. Stiles shrugged his shoulders, like it was nothing, "It was my mothers language."

Derek felt bad for looking at him with surprise now, of course Stiles knew this language. Derek should have known better. He felt his hand move, without thinking Derek put his hand on the humans arm running his fingers up and down the boys arm lightly. Stiles sighed but looked at Derek with a thank you. Derek smiled before nodding to Deaton one last time.

Together the two walked up and out of the clinic back to Stiles jeep. "Where to now?" Stiles asked turning on the car waiting for the Alpha to speak. "Back to the pack house." Derek said, his voice dark with the promise of power. "There's a new threat in town and we have to find them."





Erica was sitting upside down on the porch swing when Stiles pulled up in his jeep. "Awe!" She whined, pushing herself up to sit right. "He doesn't have his tail anymore." Derek snapped his teeth at her as they walked inside, Erica got up quickly and followed after them. Her hand hitting a bell before they all moved to the meeting room, the rest of the pack arriving not long after.

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