Ch. 23 Epilogue

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Stiles stood looking down at the cold stone. Flowers gripped tightly in his hand. He opened his mouth to speak, to say something, anything but no words came to him. Shaking his head, he brought his free hand to his face wiping at the tears that fell from his eyes. "Stupid," his voice filled the silence of the cold graveyard. "So stupid." He let his body fall, sitting in the grass laying the flowers next to him as he did so. "We had a promise." He whispered, picking at the grass. "A promise not to leave each other." He looked at the stone. "Did that mean nothing?"

Stiles felt every nerve in his body on high alert as he drove through the small town he calls home. He's sure he broke a lot of the speed limits while driving, his father would be so upset with him, but that didn't matter right now. Stiles needed to get to the old Hale house, his hopes high that his sources were right and not pulling his leg. Stiles felt his heart going crazy as he pulled up to the remains of the burnt down house. He stood there with six people around him. Stiles could find him in a crowd a mile away.

Stiles found himself getting out of his jeep and walking up the hill to stand a few feet away from them. Erica was smiling at him, bright red lips, tight black jeans, tan shirt and heels that would break anyone's ankles but hers, and maybe Lydias. Boyd stood next to her, a matching tan shirt, no doubt Ericas doing while he had blue jeans and Jordans on. Both of them looked healthy and full of life. His eyes moved over the rest of the group finding Isaac, with his stupid scarf and long jacket with matching gray shirt and pants, standing next to Jackson who looked like he walked out of a fashion magazine.

The first Hale Stiles was shocked to feel such joy at seeing again, he could understand the three betas, hell he could even understand Jackson, but Peter was different with his slicked-back hair and v-neck shirt that was tight and showing way too much chest with some chest hair peeking out at Stiles. Cora cleared her throat, causing Stiles to give her his once over. Like the other five, she looked healthy and fabulous in her green shirt and blue jeans. Surprisingly her hair was pulled back in a high tight ponytail. She smiled at him as he moved his eyes away from her.

He felt his heart clam down when his eyes landed on Derek. Derek Hale with stupid caterpillar-like eyebrows that spoke for themselves and his stupid eyes that seemed to shine in the light, looking a lot greener than they were. His stupid Henlys and dark jeans that fit him in all the right places, causing Stiles to have some lousy heart problems over the years, like right now. His heart going crazy as him and Derek just looked at each other. The other wolves watching them as this went down. Waiting for one of them to break.

There was so much Stiles wanted to say to them. So many questions he wanted to ask them, but all that could come out of his mouth was, "you left." Derek looked down at his shoes, nodding his head. "Yes, I did. I had to Stiles. After the whole Kate thing-" Derek trailed off. Stiles felt his head start to spin. "You left without a word." His voice was sharper now and somewhere out of sight, and Stiles heard Peter usher the pack away and into the woods. Derek nodded again rubbing the back of his neck, "yes, I know that Stiles." He sounded mad with him, but at this point, he didn't care.

"You left me, Derek." Stiles snapped tears in his eyes. "You just left me." Derek's head shot up his eyes wide at the words Stiles had said, and Stiles himself was surprised, but he went on, "do you realize how much that fucked with me?" Derek stayed quite letting Stiles go on without interruption. "I was hurt! I needed you! All of you!" He took a shaky breath, "I understand why, but without a word all you do is pack up everyone and leave! Without a word, or note, or text! Phones exist Derek! But you just left, and I didn't know if you were dead or hurt or something!" His voice was cracking, and he could feel the tears falling down his face, his whole body was shaking.

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