Ch. 21 Derek

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Derek hated having to walk into the McCall house after so many years of acting as if they didn't live in the town, but the scream came from Lydia, and she was at that house. Scott glared at him as he and his pack members walked into the house. Melissa hit her son and whispering for him to behave. Lydia was sitting on the couch, her head in her hands, her shoulders weren't shaking, but Derek could smell the salt from the tears that she had been crying. She looked up when Derek was closer.

"How could you!" She yelled getting up, pushing past Malia and slapping Derek in the face. Cora laughed somewhere behind him, but he said nothing. Letting the small women hit him to get her anger out. When she finished, she cleaned herself up and put on her game face. "Now, let's get Stiles back." The alpha nodded turning to look at Scott, who upon hearing Stiles name, stood up more. Derek held his hand out, waiting for the younger alpha to take it. Scott looked down at Dereks' hand before looking back at him.

Derek waited, knowing this was all up to the true alpha. If he would look past the stupid facts he had justified himself kicking Stiles out of his pack, Scott might just help them find Stiles, and even if he didn't want to help, Derek knew somewhere deep down Lydia would help them. She still cared for Stiles no matter what, and Derek could see that. You'd have to be blind not too.

Scott took his hand. The grip was firm as he nodded his head, "let's get Stiles back." He dropped Dereks' hand and looked at Lydia. "Tell us what you saw." His voice was steady, but Derek could hear the fear in it, and it looked like he wasn't the only one. Peter, Cora, and Malia all looked at each other, having Hale blood in you could be helpful in some ways. Lydia sat down again, running a hand through her strawberry blonde hair before speaking.

"I couldn't see him. But I could hear him. The sounds he was making." She looked pale, and without thinking, Derek moved to place a hand on her right shoulder, her smaller hand reached up to grab hold of Derek's. She didn't push his hand away when she started talking again. "It sounded like he was in pain, but then I heard." She looked back at Derek, "I heard him moan your name." Somewhere Scott growled, and Derek felt his face heat up as Lydia went on.

"I think that alpha was forcing himself onto Stiles, and for Stiles, his brian made something up to help him cope with what he's going through." She was shaking now, and Derek wasn't any better. His whole body froze with the words she had said replaying in his head. The alpha forced himself on Stiles. Derek could feel his control slipping. His ears were ringing as he moved away from Lydia, pushing past everyone to get outside.

He was pacing, trying to clam the wolf that was clawing its way out to find the alpha and rip him to shreds. No, he was going to kill that stupid alpha slowly and painfully. Derek was going to make Sam wish he had never even looked at Stiles in the first place. His eyes were out of control, flashing from green to red and back. He felt blood dripping from the pam of his hand because of his claws being dug into them so hard. He couldn't think straight, and with his head clouded, Derek threw his head back and roared.

The windows of the houses around him shook, the birds squawked as they fled from the trees around the neighborhood and Derek fell to his knees. His whole world was thrown out of balance with the realization that Sam could have mated with Stiles. That Stiles might not be his anymore, and it pained Derek to a point where he was physically in pain. It was like his heart was being gripped and ripped from his chest. His whole life, this was the worst pain he had ever felt.

Derek didn't know how long he had been kneeling there, but someone's hand was gripping his shoulder, and Derek found himself pulling the person closer, hiding his face into their stomach. They ran their hands through his hair, and Derek felt himself calming down slowly. "It's okay Derek," Lydia whispered. "We'll get him back," she held him tighter. "We'll make them pay." Derek felt smaller and found himself nodded.

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