Ch. 12 Stiles

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Stiles had kicked and screamed and begged but nothing seemed to work. So now he sat in 'his room' in Sam's house. His legs crossed glaring at the doorway, hoping to burn a hole in it. It worked once, Stiles didn't mean it at that time now he wishes it would happen again. Kylee had walked in from time to time placing food on the desk. Stiles didn't touch it, no matter how hungry he was, he wouldn't touch their stupid food.

Camille came in once, her smirk sharp and deadly. Stiles set her hair on fire and laughed when she ran out screaming. Sam was the one that came in the most, he did it when they realized Stiles wasn't eating, he was so pissed he slammed Stiles against the nearest wall. Stiles thought of Derek. He came in when Camille showed him what Stiles had done, Sam pined him to the bed saying he'd do so much worse if he didn't behave. Stiles thought of his pack.

Scary enough he came in the few times when Stiles couldn't stay up any longer, letting his eyes fall and his body going into a deep sleep. It was then that Sam had walked in, stripped, and laid pressed up against Stiles. Stiles woke sometime later and jumped from the bed, his eyes the pale pink color. Stiles kept his eyes up as Sam laughed at his reaction.

Sam didn't sneak into the room after that and Stiles slept in the bathroom locking that door just in case. He still had not eaten any of the food in about two weeks or so after they had taken him. But he felt fine, meaning somehow they had been feeding him. Yet Sam truly snapped, Stiles could hear yelling down the stairs making his heart jump. He moved to push the dresser in front of the door.

He knew that might not hold off the Alpha werewolf but he had to do something to slow him down. He then moved to hide under the bed. Sam knew Stiles slept in the bathroom and Stiles prayed that he'd look there first and Stiles would be able to make a run for the open door. "STILES!" His voice boomed down the hall.

Stiles tried to clam his breathing, clam his heart. He could hear Sam's footsteps getting closer to the door and he pushed it open like it was nothing. The dresser flew across the room slamming into the wall shattering on impact. Stiles held his hand over his mouth hoping he didn't make a sound. He watched with wide eyes Sam walking around the room. he could hear him smelling the air, that wasn't going to help.

The room, Stiles knew, smelt of him and only him. He made much of that when they gave him that room. Sam's feet moved to the bathroom turning it once, he growled in anger when it wouldn't open. Stiles moved slowly closer to the edge watching Sam bang his hands against the door. "LET ME IN STILES!" He yelled shaking the whole room. Stiles got up slowly, his wide eyes watching as Sam slammed his fist into the door.

Stiles ran.

He heard the roar of the Alpha behind him which made him push harder to get away. His eyes met with Camille as he pushed past her to the front door. He swung it open, the fresh air hitting his face, gave him hope. He hadn't even fully put his foot down when he was yanked back into the house. The front door slamming in slow motion the sound echoing in his ears. Stiles felt the claws graze his neck as he was dragged back.

He wasn't going upstairs.

Sam pulled him down the steps and into the darkness of the basement. "After all, I've done for you this is how you repay me?" He asked his voice hard like a rock. No lights. There were no lights in the room. Stiles felt the fear build up in his mind. "Guess we'll have to teach you to listen then." Sam dropped him and Stiles tried to look around, yet he couldn't see anything.

The sound of metal running across the cold ground made his heart stop. He moved to stand. To run. To get as far away as he could without seeing. Which wasn't much, Stiles had fallen maybe two feet after he stood up. Sam laughed at him before grabbing onto his ankle, a scream broke from his throat as he was dragged back, closer to Sam. He felt the heaviness of the metal on his ankle.

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