Ch. 22 Stiles/Derek

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Stiles looked down from the trees watching as Kaylee walked around looking for him. He had masked his scent good enough that she couldn't fallow him. Camille was dead, burnt alive from trying to touch Stiles. He still didn't know what had happened to Sam, and he hoped never to find out, but he still needed to get away from Kaylee. Stiles watched as she changed her form, her dark skin turning pale her eyes white, her hair falling to the floor. Somehow he had hidden his scent, making it hard for her to find him. But if he moved, she would be able to hear him.

He was surprised that his heart had yet given him away. Kaylee turned to walk toward the north side of the forest. Stiles waited, watching the trees to see any sign of movement before he dropped down from the tree, looking to where she had gone before going in the opposite direction. He needed to get out fast if Kaylee lived in these woods months before they brought Stiles here she would be able to find him. Stiles magic ran through his veins, pushing him to keep going. To somehow find a way back to his pack.

Stiles jumped over a fallen branch his mind and muscles working with the muscle memory from pack training that he had to endure with the wolves years before. But Stiles felt like he was going nowhere. Looking around him Stiles frowned he's seen that tree five times now, "shit." he breathed out. "She put a fucking spell on this place." A laugh echoed around the trees, the sun going down, causing the trees' shadows to stretch across the forest floor. Stiles looked around, trying to find where the laugh came from.

The laugh was closer the second time the person laughed. A chill ran down his spine as Stiles turned and ran in the opposite direction the laughter came from. He was so focused on keeping away from it that Stiles didn't realize that it was forcing Stiles to run back to the house he was trying to get away from until it was too late. Stiles stood at the tree line, wide eyes locked with the monster before him.

Sam was no longer the man he was before, and Stiles felt the panic sink in with the memories from when he first learned about werewolves that freshman year. Sam stood tall with long back legs covered in thick black fur. His torso and chest were included the same fur as well, but parts of them held burn marks. Proof that Stiles had burnt the alpha wolf terrible enough that his healing couldn't help him. Sams' arms were more extended, his hands bigger, his fingernails were claws. Longer then any Stiles had ever seen and his face. God. Sams' face had twisted in a way that put Peters time to shame.

His nose was pointed out like wolves are, he had pointed ears and fur covering the side of his face, and when Sam opened his mouth to roar, Stiles could see his mouth lined with teeth sharp enough to rip his throat out. His eyes locked with blood-red and Sam did somewhat of a smile as he landed on all fours. Making his way to where Stiles stood. "My my my." His voice was cold and rough sounding. As if he spent his whole life not talking before today. "You are going to pay for everything you have done."

He was closer now, but Stiles couldn't move. He was locked in place, paralyzed from the neck down as Sam stocked him like prey. "Where would you go?" Sam spit out. "Who would take you in? A used personal toy of an alpha feared by all packs." His fingers twitched, wanting to move. "You are mine." His voice was getting louder. "No will take you in." He laughed; it echoed around the trees as the full moon found her place high in the night sky. "WHERE IS YOUR ALPAH NOW SPARK?!?!"

"I'm right here." As if he spell was broken Stiles spun around to find Derek walking out of the tree line. Sam stopped a low growl dripping from his lips, but Stiles kept his eyes on Derek. Derek, who stood tall as he walked closer to Stiles. Who flinched when the smell of Stiles filled his nose, his eyes bleeding red as he glared at Sam. "You must be ready to die young Hale." Sam snapped, "it was stupid of you to come here." "It was stupid of you to take my mate." Derek snapped back, and Stiles felt his heart speed up.

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