Ch. 20 Stiles

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Stiles lay in the bed, feeling cold and used. He wanted to get up to clean himself, but he didn't have the strength to do that. The cuffs had been removed a long time ago, and he could have possibly run for it, but he saw no point in doing something like that. Something that would get him in even more trouble with the alpha. He couldn't believe that Sam— Sam had-he took-Sam ra-. Stiles couldn't think about that. Instead, he thought of his pack and how much he missed them.

Stiles was the first to wake up the sun causing him to blink his eyes slowly before he sat up. The sun was hitting his back, and the sky was still dark as he faced the pacific ocean looking muddly as the sun had yet to light up the surface. The wolves were still asleep curled around him as if he needed to be protected, and in some way, he could say that he did need to be protected. Stiles pulled his legs up to his chest, resting his chin on his knees as the sun lit up the ocean water. Erica was up first, rubbing the sleep from her eyes blinking before looking at him.

She was quite as she turned to wake Cora up, who growled but got up and let Erica drag her and their bags to the local washrooms on the beach. Peter was next followed by Boyd, who went to the coffee shop that they saw on the way into town. Jackson and Isaac were still asleep on his left. Stiles turned to look at them, softly smiling as Jackson ran his nose up against the backside of Isaacs' neck and tightened his arms, pulling him closer. Stiles will give them hell for how cute this was.

It was a little after Peter and Boyd had left for everyone's coffee, the boys moved away from each other to get ready, not talking about the cuddles they had, but Jackson did side-eye him as they left. Stiles was left alone with the sourwolf himself, who weirdly was still asleep. He turned to look at his right to find the space Derek had taken up last night was empty. He felt his shoulders fall pissed with himself that it took him this long to figure out Derek was gone. The girls were still in the bathroom, so Stiles sat alone on the beach, thinking.

The sun was getting higher and hotter, burning on his back until a shadow fell over him, keeping the heat off his skin that burned natural. He looked up to find Peter standing over him, a coffee in hand. Stiles took it, smiling lightly as a thank you. Peter smiled back taking his hand and rubbing the side of his cheek before walking to the water, shoes hanging over his shoulder. He took a sip of his coffee, feeling the liquid fall down his throat, leaving a warm heat in its wake. The girls came back, Cora getting her coffee from Boyd and Erica her tea.

The three of them smiling before walking off. Since Erica came back from the Hale friends, the three of them have turned into the three musketeers. Stiles smiled as he watched them go. Jackson and Issac came back an hour later, looking flushed and out of breath. Stiles raised an eyebrow at them, Isaac turning bright red before ducking his head to avoid any eye contact. Jackson glared at Stiles, a light red on the tip of his ears. He turned to look away from them, his heart-stopping at sight before him.

Derek was jogging back to the makeshift camp, his shirt off, showing his muscles and Stiles felt his mouth water. "Clean the drool Stilinski." Jackson laughed, nudging his nose against Stiles' neck. Stiles swung his arm back, hitting Jackson in his face, never taking his eyes off of Derek. Who was now closer to them, "hey." Derek smile was bright and big looking down at Stiles from where he stood. "I brought you this," he held out a bag from In-N-Out Burger. "Don't worry. There are curly fries in there." Stiles felt his heart sputter as he took the food.

"Thanks," he whispered as he took the bag. Derek smiled, bending to grab the of his clothes. "I'm going to take a shower, and then we'll head into town. There's another place I wanna take you all." Stiles smiled, watching him walk away. Jackson and Isaac were laughing behind him. Stiles felt his heart beating faster in his chest. Derek was making him feel alive for the first time since the evil spirit left him. It wasn't long until the whole group was packed up in the van heading to the next place.

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