Ch. 14 Derek

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A girl with golden curls ran next to him, she was fast, but not as fast as Derek was. Next to her was a boy with dark skin and a bright smile on his face. On his left, a boy with dirty golden curls and a boy with tan skin and brown hair ran with them. Derek smiled feeling free as they ran together through the woods of his land. A laugh filled the air around him, sending a chill down his spine. Without thinking Derek broke from the pack making his way to the laugh.

A lean figure ran in front of him jumping over fallen trees. The person moved with so much grace and agility that Derek thought him to be a wolf from first glance, his scent betrayed him as Derek got closer. The man wasn't quite human but he wasn't supernatural either. Yet Derek ran after him, wanting to be closer to the person. His smell filled the air around him driving Derek crazy.

The pure want to be close to this person was so strong Derek felt his wolf pushing to the suffice, growling to break free. Derek felt himself pushing on finally catching up to the man. His hand reached out to touch the man, his fingers brushing against his arm-

Derek woke with a start, his hand flying to his head whipping the sweat from his forehead. This was the twelfth time in five months that he has had this dream. Always so close to seeing the person yet so far. Closing his eyes he felt cold all of a sudden which was weird since he was a wolf. He should have been warm, never cold. Not like this. Opening his eyes Derek looked to his left to find his bed empty. Frowning Derek got up moving to find his wife.

"Talia it's been a month and his dreams haven't stopped." Paige's voice filled his ears causing him to stop. "Deaton is trying his best Paige," his mothers' voice followed. "I know but how do you think I feel?" Paige sounded mad. "He's calling for someone else in his dreams, he's wolfing out at night. Yesterday he yelled at me!" Paige sounded out of breath. "When has Derek ever yelled at anyone." The women grew quiet.

"Not since he was a little pup." His mother spoke lightly. "Do you know who he is calling out to?" He heard someone moving. "No," Paige said lightly. "Only a letter. 'S'" Derek took a step back in surprise. He wasn't aware that he was calling out to this person starting with 'S'. "What if he's cheating on me, Talia." Paige's voice sounded broken and torn. Suddenly Derek was angry. He was mad that Paige would even think he would cheat on her. His mate. He would never ever in his life cheat.

Before he got a chance to walk down and talk to them Derek heard his phone go off in his room, he turned and walked back. Looking at his phone, he felt a frown pull on his face. The text read: SORRY TO CALL YOU IN ON YOUR DAY OFF, WE NEED YOU. Derek shook his head but moved to get ready.

He walked past his mother and Paige giving them the answer that he was called in as he made his way to his station car. His mind raced with the address of the house the Sheriff had given him. He knew the roads and addresses like the back of his hand. Running them as a child and as a wolf. It didn't take long for him to pull up to the house. He got out taking in a deep breath.

It hit him like a train. The smell of liquor, pain, suffering and- Derek froze. His whole body shaking with anger all of a sudden. Death. He smelt death. Derek moved past the other officers, ignoring the Sheriff calling him back. His hands moved on their own pushing open the door to the house. The smell was stronger here yet it was not where the smell was coming from. He moved deeper into the house, down the stairs, and into the basement.

Derek froze. There laying on the cold wet basement floor was a teenage boy. Dead. He moved slowly, his heart falling deeper into a pit with each step he took. The kid couldn't have been any older than sixteen. Once there Derek felt his hands move slightly turning the boy's body over carefully. He fell to his knees. Dirty golden curls framed a pale face, bright blue eyes stared back at him.

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