Ch. 11 Derek

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She walked out holding her head high over the flames, her smile sharp. "Hello, Derek." As she spoke Derek felt all the hair on his arms stand on end. "Leave now if you wish to live!" Cora snapped at the women, she in turn laughed. Turning her head slightly she called out to the trees. "What do you say should we leave?" She asked in a very cocky voice. "I don't think we should." Another voice answered her.

Derek snapped his head to look behind her, another woman walked out from behind her. She was shorter then the first women, she had dark hair, brown eyes, and dark skin. She was beautiful and if Derek didn't see her as a threat he may have thought about taking her out, no he really wouldn't he's too stuck on Stiles to look at anyone else.

She moved to stand next to the pale women, her stance clam, unlike the others. Next, to him, Derek felt Stiles freeze as if he's seen a ghost and Derek without thinking moved to stand between them. "Camille, I do think it's time we introduce ourselves." Her voice, unlike Camille, was soft and sweetly misleading. "Yes, I believe it is high time we introduce our selves."

"We don't want to know who you are!" Erica yelled her eyes flashing gold. "We told you to lea-" She was cut off gasping for breath, her hands flying to her throat. Boyd took his mate into his arms holding her close, fear flashing across his emotionless face. "STOP IT!" Derek roared at the sight. Camille smiled before she lowered her eyes, giving Erica the much-needed air. "You'll do right to listen young one." She spoke.

Derek growled but nodded his head, learning from the last time he was face to face with her. "Now," She took a step forward and the flames began to fall. "My name is Camille. This is my sister Kaylee." She held her hand to the other girl. "We have come for the one they call Stiles. We came for the spark." The wind blew at that moment chilling everyone. "What the hell do you want with Stiles?" Jackson spoke up.

Kaylee smiled for the first time since they got there and it was the most terrifying thing Derek had seen. Her lips pulled back to show her teeth, sharp like a vampire. "Not for us," She spoke pasted her teeth. Derek growled pushing Stiles behind him fully while the pack closed in. The two women looked at one another before turning to the trees. "For him of course." They said together like twins in sync. At that moment Derek felt a shift of power.

His eyes blazed blood red and others held back submitting to this other power showing up. He walked out quietly, his feet not making a sound as he did so. He was tall, maybe taller than Derek. His eyes were a dark gray-blue color, his hair was black and his skin tan. He hands strong with muscles, not like Derek's but they were there. The women made way for him to stand between them his sharp eyes looked at Derek, no not Derek, Stiles.

Stiles had begun to tremble behind Derek, his hand gripping Derek's bicep tightly. Derek growled loudly at the other Alpha who in turn flashed his red eyes at him. The man smirked at them, his eyes burning a hole through Derek trying to get to Stiles. "Stiles." He spoke as if the other wolves weren't standing in between them. "It's so good to finally see you this close." Derek froze.

This close? He thought. This Alpha had seen Stiles before. "I'm Sam by the way and you'll be leaving with me now." He held out his hand as if expecting Stiles to take it instantly. He didn't. The Alpha-Sam didn't look fazed at all. Shaking his head lightly he let his hand fall, "Stiles you'd do best to do as you're told." Isaac growled beating Derek to it. "If you won't come we'll have to take you." His eyes locked with Derek's. "By force."

"I'll kill you before you even get within ten feet of him!!" Derek yelled. Sam's smile was wide and cold. "I was hoping you'd say that." "Camille." Derek watched as Camille's eyes change color to a cold dark blue, her scent becoming bitter, and her hands produced dark sparks. Witch. "Kaylee." Kaylee changed form completely. Her once dark skin became pale like snow. Her dark eyes became fully white while her hair disappeared. Skinwalker.

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