Ch. 5 Stiles

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Watching the pack fight was something Stiles didn't like. Nope not at all. He didn't like watching Derek throw his betas around as they tried to fight him. He didn't like that some times it was so hot Derek had to take his shirt off and sweat would drip down his abs making him even hotter. Okay maybe Stiles liked watching the pack fight just a little bit. Which was happening right now. Stiles eyes followed Derek's movements.

His muscles flexed with each move he made. Stopping his sister who ran right at him while Isaac dropped from the tree above him. Derek grabbed Cora by her waist before throwing her up to met Isaac. They fell together in a pile of limbs. Erica was next Boyd throwing her at Derek her claws out. Derek jumped grabbing a branch above him. Erica went flying into a bush. Boyd jump to take Derek down only to be kicked on top of Erica. Jackson jumped from the house trying to get the drop on him. Didn't happened.

Derek threw him back against a tree. His claws out on his throat. Jackson growled, but didn't move. No one else got up. Stiles laughed. Erica glared at him before running to tackle him. He saw this coming and with one swift movement he threw mountain ash up forming a circle around him. Erica slammed into it her face squished. Stiles laughed harder this time as the betas crowded around him. "Not fair!" Erica yelled.

"I'm human it's so fair!" Stiles yelled back. "You have magic!" Erica yelled back when a laugh filled the air. Everyone truned to look at Derek. His shoulders moving up and down his head thrown back. Stiles felt his heart jump at the sight. Derek hardly ever laughs, the sight was beautiful. His shoulders moving, his mouth pulled up with laughing lines around his eyes. "Come on Stiles we have to run." Derek said once he finished laughing. Stiles nodded before braking the barrier around him, the dust going back to his bag.

The little magic he learned helped every now and then. He was tackled instantly by the girls of the pack. He felt pain shoot up his arm. He completely forgot about his wrist even though he had put on concealer that morning. Erica yelped in pain quickly moving away from Stiles. Her eyes held tears in them. "Stiles why are you in pain?" She asked. The pack all turned to look at him. Black veins slowly disappearigng from her arm. Boyd quickly took her in his arms.

"Stiles?" Derek moved to stand next to him. Stiles felt his heart jump as Derek's hand ran over his arm. Black veins ran up Derek's arm quickly. "What happened?" He asked a growl deep in his throat. "Nothing. I just fell." Stiles said quickly. "Lie." Derek snapped. Stiles narrowed his eyes, "So what?" "Who hurt you?" Derek pushed getting in Stiles face. "No one."  Stiles snapped not backing down. The Pups looked from one to the other, they knew Stiles could take Derek down."Don't you lie to me Stiles." Derek's eyes softened.

Stiles looked down. "It was Scott." His voice light. "What?" Derek said through fang like teeth his voice echoing throughout the woods. Stiles kept his eyes on his feet, not wanting to see his packs face. He felt Dereks hand on his face, slipping to the back of his neck. Pulling the slight pain from him. Stiles felt a moan leave his lips. "Why did Scott do this to you?" Derek asked making Stiles open his eyes. Stiles realized embarrassingly that him and Derek were left alone.

He felt a blush run up his face. "I went to see him." Derek's eyes flashed red. "To warn him about the witch. When I went to leave he grabbed me trying to stop me." Derek growled but said nothing and continued to pull his pain until he no longer felt it. Derek slipped his hand away from his neck. Stiles felt cold. "He shouldn't have touched you." He laughed at Derek. "I know. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But regardless they needed to know."

Derek nodded. "Next time tell me. I don't want you getting hurt again." "Can we just skip my work out today? The betas have already started a movie. I can hear it." Derek laughed as Stiles took his hand and led him back into the house. They found the betas around the TV watching a movie just like Stiles said. They moved to join them, Erica moving to curl up on Boyds lap giving Derek and Stiles just enough room to sit side by side on the couch.

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