Ch.6 Derek

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A/N I'm not sure what happened, I believe I went a whole month without an update and I'm sorry for that, but here is an update for the last month and I will also update next week.


That's what screams were always related to around Derek. They were the only ones he remembered. The screams of his family while they burned alive. The screams of Erica and Boyd when they were taken. The screams of Stiles when the hunters beat him. Screaming was nothing but pain and waking up to the sound of screaming put him on high alert. His eyes changed with a red halo. His claws out, his teeth sharp, his wolf taken over.

The first thought that ran through his head when he saw everything was clear was Stiles. He shot out of bed running barefoot out of his room, out of his house. He could hear Cora yelling for the others to get up but the sound of his pack soon died down. His ears only picking up the slow dying scream. His feet took him to a different part of his land, a part he knew and wished to forget.

The last time Derek was there was when Paige. When he... When his mother had found him with cold blue eyes and told him she still saw the beauty that was hidden in his now electric blue eyes. Being back brought so much pain but not as much as the sight he found once he broke the clearing. He lay there unmoving. The heartbeat once strong slowing down, being so close to death it scared him.

"Stiles!" He yelled falling to his knees next to the human. Blood ran down his fingers from his palm. A bloody handprint was on the stump. He lifted Stiles up holding him close to his body. Pulling the pain from him. "Derek stop!" He heard Erica yell. When had she gotten here? He thought. He felt arms pulling him back, making him let go of Stiles. He growled as he felt more hands holding him back. His eyes meeting Peters. "You have to stop. Taking too much pain will kill you."

Derek looked past him, blood clouding his vision. His Stiles was hurt and they thought he would just stand by and not help him? Like hell, he would! He tried to push past Peter but was quickly knocked on his ass. "DEREK TYLER HALE!" Peter yelled. "CUT IT OUT!" Derek froze, his mothers' voice filling his ears. He looked at Peter who held pain in his eyes, "Everything is fine, you have to let the pups help their packmate."

Derek looked at his pack holding Stiles close in a puppy pile, like Stiles would call it, pulling the pain from him equally. Derek felt his panic, he didn't know he was so scared, that's a lie his body was filled with fear, but he claimed down. Peter let him go, when had Peter grabbed him? and they both moved to the pile. The betas let Stiles go as soon as Derek was close enough.

Without hesitation Derek bent down his hand moving to rub down the side of Stiles' face, it was cold to the touch but Derek could hear the heartbeat start to go back to normal. Derek didn't know how long he was sitting there next to Stiles, his hand moving to rub his neck and arm lightly. All he knew was that he was there long enough for Stiles to finally wake up. 

Derek felt his heart jump at the sight of the whiskey-colored eyes filling with life yet again and without missing a heartbeat he picked Stiles up. Stiles ducked his head away not wanting to look at anyone and Derek understood. His arms pulled Stiles closer to his body before he turned to look at his pack. "A few go ahead and some come up from behind." His voice was stern. "Whatever called Stiles out there might still be here, keep your eyes and ears open."

Boyd, Erica, and Cora took the front walking some ways ahead of Derek while Isaac, Jackson and Peter walked behind them. Derek took his time walking back home cause having Stiles this close to him, holding him like he was felt right. Like it was something he was meant to do. He could see Erica and Cora share a knowing look ahead of them. Derek rolled his eyes at the women.

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