Ch. 19 Derek

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Deaton didn't ask questions when Derek walked into the vet clinic that night, sweat falling down his body his breath ragged from running through the woods finding the herbs he knew he needed. He only took the herbs leading Derek into the underground bunker he had, where all of his supernatural stuff was held. "I wondered when you would figure this out." Derek frowned at him, "what?" He asked, and Deaton smiled at him. "I knew deep down this world wasn't the right one. I could feel it in my magic the moment the Stilinski family died in the car accident." 

Derek listened, "Claudia was such an amazing magic user I had high hopes for her son to be something even more powerful than her and myself." He talked with such a fondness in his voice that Derek started to think Deaton was talking about an emotion that he had hidden deep inside, but he said nothing and let Deaton go on talking. "It felt like something trying to rip my body in two, and I didn't know which side to go with." Derek looked in shock at the man.

His whole life Derek had never seen Deaton so shaken, so out of it but now watching him fill a tin tub with ice water Derek knew he wasn't the only one with the feeling of being split in two. "You saw her, didn't you?" He turned now to look at Derek. The tub filled, "what did she say?" He asked, getting closer to him. Derek smelt the pain on him. It had a sour smell to it, "she said I had to wake up." Deaton nodded, looking away. "Get in the water Derek." He did as told stripping to his undershirt and boxers before stepping into the tub.

The water was freezing even to his werewolf body and sitting in there looking up at Deaton made him feel like a child again. "Okay, Derek I need you to stay under the water no matter what." He nodded, pushing his body down under the water, holding his breath for as long as he could, driving the extra two minutes before he had to get up for air. Gasping like a fish, Derek coughed up water leaning over the side. "Why the hell didn't it work?" He snapped, turning to look at the older man.

Thinking to himself, Deaton turned to make a phone call. "You need someone to hold you down." He spoke after he got off of the phone. "Someone to hold you to this world until you can find what you are looking for." Derek rolled his eyes, running a hand through his hair and resting his chin against the cold metal. "Well then who did you call?" He asked, glaring up at the older man. "Who do you think little brother?" Derek turned, causing the water to splash around him. He looked up at his older sister Laura with wide eyes. 

She smiled at him, her red lips pulling back to show off her smile, and suddenly Derek felt cold all over again, and he knew what Deaton meant by someone to hold him down. Laura was the one person he always turned to when he needed help no matter how much they fought; they were still there for each other. Derek was her best man at her wedding, and she was his maid of honor at his wedding. She was his anchor even if Paige was his mate. He was going to miss her the most. "Laura, you can't-" "Shut up baby bro." 

She moved to stand next to the tub, bending down to be level with Derek. "Deaton told me everything. I know this life isn't real. I know you're going to go back to that other life." She paused, looking sad for a second before going on. "That's why I'm here to help you." She smiled lightly raising her hand to pet at his hair. Something that was always a weak spot for him and Laura knew just that. "I couldn't ask you." His teeth chattered the cold finally getting to him. Laura smiled again. 

"That's why Deaton asked. Now lay back and remember," her hand ran over the back of his neck scenting him. "I will always love you," Derek felt the tears fall. "Mom will always love you." They touched foreheads together. "Now let's get you back to that mate of yours." Derek nodded, bracing himself to go back under the water. His eyes locked with Deaton as Laura put her hands on his shoulders. "Three," Derek gripped the tub tightly. "Two," he thought of the family that he was leaving behind. "One," he thought of the family he was getting back as the water engulfed his body, pulling him into darkness.

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