Ch. 10 Derek

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Derek really hated his life at the moment. He really truly did. Why? There was a fucking deer in front of Stiles' jeep. A FUCKING DEER. The smell of another wolf, not one of his or the other wolves in town, was around it. His pack stood far away while Derek's anger started to bowl over. Stiles stood the closest to the alpha, he did not fear the man. "Derek it's okay maybe it's just a peace offering," Stiles said with a smile.

Derek growled, like hell it was and Stiles knew that good and well. "Stiles you know that's not what it is!" He snapped. Stiles turned his head to look at the alpha so fast he could have been an owl. "Don't fucking take that tone with me!" He snapped back, and Derek for a split second swore Stiles' eyes changed colors. "Calm down." He said lighter but Derek couldn't, he was lived and his wolf pushed him over the edge.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN! THE FUCK I'LL CALM DOWN!" Derek wanted to stop, he wanted to walk away and calm down but he couldn't. "A DAMN WOLF COMES INTO MY LAND! WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! AND FUCKING STARTS COURTING ONE OF MY DAMN PACK MEMBERS! WITHOUT ASKING!" He felt his eyes change and his claws come out.

"I'LL KILL THEM!!" Derek knew he stepped over. He knew he went too far when he took a step to run into the woods, all ready to track down said wolf. Stiles, however, had other plans, his hand flew out pushing with all the will power he had he pulled Derek down to the ground. Derek surprised at this turned his head and looked up at Stiles. His eyes were a pale pink color and blue sparks danced around his fingers. One word ran through his head. Spark.

Stiles himself looked surprised but that didn't pull his concentration. "I'll let you go when you calm the hell down." He said through gritted teeth, sweat began to run down the side of his face. Derek watched him closely and he had never been more turned on in his life. Derek wanted nothing more than to pull Stiles close and love him.

The scrunched up noses of his betas told him they knew what Derek wanted to do. Shaking his head Derek took deep breaths to calm himself. It took a few minutes before Stiles let his hold on Derek go. Stiles fell to his knees after, Erica ran to him helping him into the house. Peter moved to kneel by his nephew.

"That was interesting." He said before sitting next to him. Derek said nothing as he tried to think. After some time he finally said, "he's a spark." "Yep," Peter answered. "And he's powerful." "Yep." "She going to come after him." His voice was low and Peter didn't answer right away. "Yes." Derek felt his chest hurt. "We can't let them do that." He said turning to look at his uncle. Peter was looking at the house, "we won't."




He was back. It wasn't even a damn two days and that fucking wolf had come back to his house. He got into the fucking house. Derek was pissed, no he was beyond pissed. The room that Stiles would sleep in now had a big teddy bear sitting in the middle of the bed. Derek glared at the stupid thing before he picked it up and walked out of the room. "Derek!" Stiles yelled coming out of his shock and quickly followed the alpha.

The pups were standing in the living room far away from the anger of their alpha. They watched with slight fear in their eyes as Derek threw open the door and stood on the front pouch his eyes a blazing blood red. He looked around at the tree line and since he couldn't smell the damn wolf he prayed that the stupid thing was watching. His nails extended quickly and he shredded the poor bear till there was nothing but stuffing left.

He turned around to find an open-mouthed Stiles looking at what Derek had just done. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" Stiles yelled looking at Derek as if he grew two heads. Derek felt his eyebrows shoot up. "What's wrong with me?!" Derek yelled feeling his anger build up more than it really should have. "He came into my land Stiles! Again! Into my house this time! And is now running around courting one of my pack members!"

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