Ch. 9 Stiles

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Stiles sat in the police station waiting for his dad to get off for lunch. His mind raced with the future and the vision he saw. It had to be a vision, that's the only way Stiles could explain it. He had no idea when it would happen but the thought that it would happen scared him. His new powers scared him and he had no way of controlling them. With him sleepwalking and seeing things in the past and now future and maybe present scared him.

The dream left him shaken and cold all over. The sound of that growling chilled him to his bones. It wasn't Derek and he knew that all too well. He knew Derek's growl. He remembered it like a song playing on replay in his head. It wasn't his pups. It had to be an Alpha. Power. Fear. Only an Alpha could do that. Stiles didn't even want to think about the people he saw. Could it be them? Stiles wished he knew

He prayed for the answers that he knew he would never get. Man, he wished this threat would be something easier to deal with, and that was saying a lot. Supernaturals were hardly ever easy to deal with. Stiles knew that for a fact, he remembers the one time he lost it. Looking back at it now Stiles could see how his magic helped him during that time. 

Stiles sat legs crossed thinking, he didn't have to be a wolf to hear his heart beating out of his chest. He could feel it. The books from the library lay at his feet. The sound of people talking did nothing to stop his mind from going crazy. Jackson. The name made his heart break. They had taken Jackson. The way they got him was just fucked up.

They used Danny. They recorded his screams and lured Jackson away from the pack. The sick thing is they had to have hurt Danny to get those screams. It made no scene. Danny went into hiding after Ethan had left. He learned a lot watching everyone the years leading up to then but stayed away. He didn't wish to be in this world anymore and Stiles respected that.

But they had called him when they learned that was what Jackson was lured away with. Danny was fine. They just had to figure out what thing was able to mimic the sounds of others. Stiles was hitting himself over his head because he knew what it was but didn't know how to get him back. God Stiles just wanted his pup back safe and sound.

The others stood talking loudly at one another. It gave Stiles a headache so bad that he walked out of the house. Standing on the back porch Stiles let the wind hit him, taking a deep breath he thought. Skinwalker. It was weird that the word came to his mind all of a sudden. But it was the only supernatural creature that was able to mimic the sound of a human. Stiles felt a chill run down his spine.

The thought of being its victim made him want to puke, but when he saw the pale skin like creature at the tree line Stiles did not hesitate to follow it once it turned to leave. Yes, he wasn't thinking but this was his pack member. His pup. He'd do anything to keep his pup safe. Stiles had always felt like he held the mother role in the pack and it was mostly true.

The only thing that wasn't true for that was he wasn't the Alpha's mate. Stiles shook the thought from his head as the skinwalker lead him deeper into the woods. Farther away from the Hale pack and land. He was at the opening of a cave, Stiles realized was far away from the Hale land. The pack must be going crazy, losing Jackson and now Stiles.

He pushed it back pushing himself to move forward to get his pup, not thinking about his well being. Jackson had been chained to the stone floor the cuffs no doubt laced with wolfsbane. "Jackson!" Stiles yelled running to him. Jackson looked up, his pale blue eyes locking with whiskey-colored ones. "Stiles what the hell?!" He hissed out.

"That's no way to treat the person who's saving you." Stiles rolled his eyes pulling his knife out from his pocket. He moved closer to cut the chain off. "Stiles." He felt his skin run cold. Her voice sweet and soft like the sound of perfect music. Don't look. He told himself. It's not her. Don't look. "Stiles?" She spoke again. "Honey is that you?" This time closer.  

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