Ch. 13 Stiles

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The dark haired women, Sam's sister, moved to grab something from on top of the table. The sick table that held the sick things Stiles did not want to think about. She pulled out a first aid kit moving to stand by Stiles yet again. She knelt down and pulled a few things out of the box. She moved to his ankle and Stiles watched as she pulled a key out and unlocked the chain from him.

Stiles hissed in pain feeling it ten times more then he did before. The women moved to clean the open cuts he had. "Sh sh sh." She whispered lightly rubbing alcohol on it to clean it. "I'm sorry. I know it hurts. Just hold on let me clean it." Stiles bit down on his lip to try and stop from saying anything as she worked.

Once she was done Stiles found himself sitting up and looking at her. Their eyes locked and she smiled a sad smile. "I'm sorry my brother did this. I know that doesn't fix what he's done but I'm gonna get you out of here. I promise." She spoke and Stiles didn't have to be a wolf to know she wasn't lying. "Wh-" He coughed, "what's your name?" He asked her. "Alice. Alice Casey, nice to meet you."

Stiles took the hand she held out for him. "Stiles-" "I know," Alice cut him off. "Sam wouldn't stop talking about you for about two years." Stiles felt his heart pick up with fear. Two Years. Stiles thought. Sam has been after him for two years. Alice seemed to see his fear and her face dropped her eyes downcased. "I'm sorry for what he's done to you." "Why is he doing this?" He asked moving closer to her.

Alice's eyes were sad when she looked back up at him. "He wants his mate back and if you can't bring her back, Sam will make you his mate," Stiles spoke slowly. "I can't do that Alice, I don't have that kind of power." Alice looked scared, she didn't even try to hide it. "Then he'll make you his mate." A cold wind blew against Stiles back. "He will take you to bed and breed you, which will kill the mate you already have."

Stiles still in shock felt his mouth fall open. "I don't have a mate." He said causing Alice to look at him in surprise. "No that can't be I smell the other Alpha on you. I smell him and his pack and the love they have for you and I mean love, Stiles." Stiles thought back to the moments leading up to Sam taking him away from the pack, what Derek had said.

"Go. Get to the room and Don't let anyone in." Derek said with a stern voice. Stiles with wide eyes yelled, "No! I'm not leaving You! I can help!" Derek felt his heart swell with pride as Stiles' eyes turned a pale pink. "No." He said brokenly. "No, you can't. Stiles, he wants you and if he can't get to you then we have a better chance of stopping them right here." Stiles' eyes filled with pain, "Derek-" "NO!" Derek yelled cutting him off.

Closing his eyes he sighed and he moved his hand to Stiles' cheek. Stiles felt his heart skip. "Please, Stiles I can't fight while knowing he might be able to get to you." Stiles' eyes softened at them, his lips pulled together in a tight line. His hand fell on Derek's own "Win," was all he said before he turned to run into the house.

Stiles felt his heartbreak, Derek cared about him. He felt tears in his eyes at the thoughts of all the times Derek showed some kind of affection to Stiles that completely went over his own head. Alice moved closer her arms pulling him against her chest which was all it took for Stiles to lose it. He felt his chest tighten as tears fell down his face.

Alice held him close as he cried, her fingers running through his hair slowly calming him. "Stiles I know you're about to fall asleep again but I need to put the chain back on so Sam doesn't know I took it off. I'll be back again sometime tomorrow. Okay?" Stiles nodded, he just wanted to sleep. He felt Alice move away and soon felt the cold metal yet again. Stiles watched as she walked away her face sad when she turned around to look at him.

"Stay strong." She whispered to him, Stiles laded down closing his eyes as the lights cut out.  His mind racing with the thought of Derek caring for him in the same way Stiles cares about Derek. Stiles curled into a ball letting the tears fall as sleep took him away from this hell yet again.

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