Ch.7 Derek

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If looks could kill Deaton would be dead right now. A big hole in the back of his god damn head. They were at the clinic watching as Deaton worked on a little puppy. Scott stood with him helping him when he could. Apparently, Scott was now a vet and when Derek asked to speak with Deaton alone he didn't tell Scott. Stiles stood by Derek their arms brushing every now and then when Stiles would move.

The thick smell of anxiety filled the air and it didn't take a genius to know it wasn't a human worried. Hell, even the human sitting on the other side of the door waiting for her dog would look between the three of them, her heart picking up when Derek would look her way. Scott, every second he could get would look up at Stiles. His eyes looking him over before finding the bruise on his wrist. The one he gave him and then he'd turn away.

Derek would have growled every time Scott looked their way if Stiles hasn't decided to run his fingers against the arm closest to him. It was really distracting. When Deaton was done he sent Scott and the pup back to her owner leaving the three of them to talk alone. "So what is this dream you had?" He asked. Stiles went into explain his dream leaving Derek to stand by him his eyes falling over the humans face.

Derek listened halfway, knowing the story already, realizing that Stiles didn't tell Deaton about the Nogitsune dream he also had. Derek was so caught up in what Stiles looked like, a beauty he couldn't describe, he didn't know he stopped. Stiles turned to look at him as if Derek had anything to add to what Stiles had said. They kept their eyes locked for a moment before turning to Deaton. "Stiles I believe the Nemeton was telling you what you are," Deaton spoke.

Stiles frowned. "I'm not anything," he said. "I'm just human." Derek felt his heart tug at these words. He wished nothing more than to pull Stiles into his arms and tell him he was so much more than just a human. He longed to tell him of what he truly was to Derek. His second in command. His anchor. His-God Derek couldn't even think of the words in his own head. "Have you ever wondered why you were able to take to magic so well?" Deaton's voice pulled him back in time to see Stiles nod. 

"Derek, have you ever wondered why Stiles smells different from other humans?" Stiles turned to look at him. "What do I smell like?" He asked. Derek swallowed before answering. "Like magic. Good magic has a sweet smell. Like candy." He turned to look at him. "Deaton smells like incense." Deaton laughed pulling their attention. "Yes. Stiles has a more strong sweet smell because you are not only an Emissary but a Spark, just like your mother."

Stiles moved closer to Derek at the mention of his mother and without thinking, Derek moved his hand to the back of his neck. Stiles seemed to clam down under his touch. Deaton looked between them for a moment before looking away. "What the hell is a spark?" Stiles asked his skin warm against Derek's hand. "A spark is stronger than any other supernatural creature in this world. Not only do they have magic but they also have other powers as well-"

"What do you mean?" Derek cut him off and Deaton looked irritated but continued to speak. "He could have the ability to see into the future or control the weather. Things like that." Derek could feel the wheels in Stiles' head starting to move. He looked down at the human his eyes seemed off and distant. "Could I see into the past?" He asked after some time of quite. Deaton thought for a moment, his face looked pained. "It is unheard of but yes that is a possibility."

Stiles looked up at Derek his eyes holding tears and Derek let his fingers move up into his hair. Brushing against the scalp lightly. Stiles closed his eyes sighing at the feeling. Derek couldn't help the little smile that found his lips. Knowing he was the reason to claim Stiles down made his heart soar. They stayed like that lost in their own little world. Just the two of them. Hell, they didn't even notice when Deaton smiled at them and left the room.

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