Ch. 17 Stiles

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Ch. 17 Stiles

A/N So this chapter is going to hold some sexual stuff as well as implied rape, however, I will not go into detail about that cause ew. Now enjoy

Stiles stood over the burnt body reading from the book at Sam had given him. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Sam and Camille whispering to each other while Kylee stood near the trees watching as if someone was going to come running out of the woods at them. Alice stood near Stiles, giving him the ingredients that he needed for the spell. "You need to run." She whispered, leaning closer to his ear, looking at her brother. Stiles looked at them too. They were busy talking to each other. "I can't." He looked back at her.

"He'll get me. I'm not as fast as an alpha." She looked sadly at him, "if I slow him down, then you can." He stopped and looked at her in shock, "do you know what you're saying you'll do?" He asked, moving closer to her. She smiled softly at him, "Sam killed my parents during his fit of rage, I lost them, and he doesn't care. I'm ready to see them again." Stiles looked into her eyes, and he saw the truth in them, and he never saw someone so ready for death.

"Okay." He nodded his head and turned back to the book just as Sam and Camille walked back over to them. "Is it ready yet?" He snapped getting into Stiles space, pressing his chest up against Stiles backside. Stiles gripped his teeth, taking a deep breath in before he answered, "Yes. I need something of hers, and I'll be able to do the spell." Sam turned to look at Kylee who was gone in a second before she was back with something in her hand. It seemed to be a neckless with an amethyst gem in the middle.

"This was Kays," Sam said, looking fondly at it as if the world was in the gem. Stiles took the neckless with care before turning back to the burnt body. Closing his eyes, Stiles took a deep breath before opening them to find the world covered in a pale pink hue. It was like he was being controlled, his arms moving to grab the knife that he needed, cutting his arm to drip blood on the body and the gem before he began to speak.

"Burning bodies and taken souls.

Fire stolen loved ones turn to ghost.

Bring the dead back from their graves.

And give them a breath of life so they may be saved."

Stiles felt the power ran through him, his eyes fluttering shut as he lost his breath. His knees gave from under him, and he fell into someone's arms. It hurt to open his eyes, and he felt weak all over. "Sam?" Someone was talking he knew that much, but he didn't know where the voice was coming from. "Sam, is that you?" "Yes, it's me, my love." Someone was moving. Someone was talking to him, whispering in his ear. "Stiles come on wake up. You have to run. NOW!"

Stiles nodded his head weakly, trying to move. His everything hurt, but he got up and started running. Stiles didn't know where he was running, but in the back of his head, he knew he had to run. He could hear someone yelling, but he didn't know why. The trees looked funny, and Stiles fell a few times before the trees broke, and he saw a road, with a car parked up there. He started to walk again but wasn't moving. He looked down. Hands were on him.

"Did you think you could get away from me that easily?" "Nooo." Stiles felt drunk suddenly as the words slipped from his mouth. A pair of lips pressed against his ear, making its way down to his neck. "The spell held for about thirty seconds before my poor dear wife burst into flames yet again and when I turned to get my hands on you, I find you gone and my sister standing there in your place, eyes golden, challenging me."

A breath of air caused him to shiver slightly, "what else was I to do but kill her," it was like a shock wave hit him. Stiles whole body woke up with just that one sentence. He could now feel that Sam was naked and pressed up against him. He could feel the coldness of his blood-soaked hands pressing on Stiles' stomach, and suddenly Stiles felt sick and cold all over. In the back of his head, he could hear someone screaming, but his mouth wouldn't open.

Sam spun him around; lips were pressed against his. A tree was digging into his back, and Stiles wished to be anywhere but here. The whole two months Sam had not once touched Stiles like this or tried to kiss him and now feeling the alpha pushing his leg between Stiles' thighs, his hands moving to grab Stiles' waist picking him up. On instinct, Stiles wrapped his legs around Sams' waist his body reacting against his wishes and moaned.

Sam seemed to like this and pressed his naked pelvis hard against him. "Stop." He tried, but Sam laughed at this. "I told you," he all but growled into his ear. "If you couldn't bring back my mate, I would put my babies in you." Stiles felt tears start to fall from his eyes. He didn't want this; he didn't want Sam to be touching him like this. "Please stop." Sam stopped for a second keeping his nose pressed against Stiles' neck as if he was thinking about stopping and then he was moving again rutting his dick against Stiles butt.

"Get us to my room now." His voice sounded as if he just got up all hot and bothered and for a split second Stiles thought Sam was talking to him, that was a spell he didn't know but a look over his shoulder Stiles saw Camille standing behind them, a smile on her lips, "yes alpha." A snap of her fingers and Stiles was laying on his back, Sam leaning over him, pressing his body tightly against Stiles' own body.

Stiles pushed his hands against Sams' chest, trying his hardest to stop what was going on. Sam growled and grabbed both of Stiles' wrist, pinning them above his head. "Stop it." He growled blood-red eyes were glaring at him. Stiles froze. "I am going to take you whether you like it or not, you will take this big alpha cock, and you will like it." Stiles whimpered, feeling a cold chill run down his spine. "No." Sam was off him for a second causing Stiles to blink, wondering why his powers weren't working.

"You drained yourself." Sam was talking somewhere around the room, and Stiles was still dizzy. "But even if you do regain your power." Something cold was on his wrist pulling his arms up, and he knew all too well what that cold thing was. The magic canceling handcuffs that Sam put him in the first week he was here. "These will keep you from doing anything you shouldn't be doing." Stiles tugged at the cuffs trying to get free, knowing he couldn't get loose. "My my look at you." Stiles felt tears in his eyes. "All ready for me."

Stiles shook his head, putting his feet against the alpha's chest and pushing back. Sam went falling back, "stop it." Sam growled, looking up from the floor, "Stiles, I am going to take your god damn ass, and you will have my babies." Stiles felt his head clear before he spoke. "Over my dead body!" He snapped back, trying to push his magic forward to stop this. Sam looked at him, a cold and evil smile formed on his face.

"Is it because of who I am?" He asked, slowly crawling his way up the bed. "Is it because I'm not Derek?" He stopped at Stiles' waist using his teeth to pull up the shirt he was wearing. The cold air hit his stomach, making him shiver slightly. His tongue ran up his stomach, leaving a wet trail in its wake. "Think of it like this." He pulled the shirt up more, kissing his way slowly up his chest as he did so. "Derek would never touch you like this." A clawed finger ran up the middle of his body.

"He would never give you the pleasure that you needed or what you wanted." Suddenly Sams' lips were on his neck sucking and leaving a bruise where he was. "I could show you what being with a real man is." Stiles gasped feeling Sams' other hand touching at his lower half. "Stop." He breathed out, "I don't want this." Sam laughed. "This." Stiles yelps in surprise as Sam gripped him from outside his pants. "Says otherwise."

He laughed biting at Stiles ear and god he wished Sam hadn't done that because his ears, and behind his ears have always been his weak spot. Sam smiled against the shell of his ear. "You like that, don't you?" He asked, biting at his right ear again. Stiles moaned against his better judgment, "come on Stiles. I'm going to make you feel so good." He wished Derek was here. He wished his pack was here to stop this. Stop Sam from doing what he is doing.

Then Sam pulled his pants down, and Stiles froze under Sam. Feeling something press against Stiles' thighs, he knew good and well Sam was pushing his legs open trying to get to his ass. Stiles felt sick all over again. "No, no, no." He pulled at the cuffs again. Feeling the coldness of blood running down his wrist. "Stop stop; stop!" Sam didn't stop pushing his hand closer, and Stiles blanked. His whole body started to shake, and his mind stopped working.

It was like the Nogitsune all over again. Taking over his body. Stiles was tried to fight back with all his power and not being able to do anything but let the thing have him. Stiles felt something press against his ass, and he felt tears fall from his face doing his best to block out what was happening. It wasn't like Stiles was a virgin or anything Stiles didn't want to do this with Sam. He closed his eyes and tried his hardest to forget who he was with.

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