Ch. 15 Derek

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He heard it the next day at work. Her name echoed around the station, so quiet as if not to let anyone know who they were talking about. But Derek heard them like he always did. "Did you hear?" "No, what?" "Erica Reyes died last night." Derek felt cold all over again as he listened. "Oh, damn. How do you know?" "My wife told me. Poor Mrs. Reyes was there when it happened. She was fine one minute then the next her heart gives out. The poor child only sixteen."

Derek couldn't listen anymore. It was too much for him. First the dreams, now two of his pack members are dead. The thought stopped him. His pack members. No, that wasn't right. "Yes, it is." The voice was back, sounding smug. "No," he said to the voice, causing his coworkers to look at him with weird eyes. Derek felt Paige looking at him too, but it was different. Derek noticed that after the first few dreams came to him.

He couldn't feel Paige near him like he used to. Like when he first found out she was his mate. Now it was like the moon goddess had taken her away from him. He wasn't affected by it like he thought he would. It was like he didn't care. "You don't." The voice was back. Derek couldn't help but roll his eyes and prepare to make a smart comment back at him. Him. The voice belonged to a male. Someone Derek felt close to.

"Derek stop being stupid and come find me. I miss you." Derek felt like his skin was on fire. The pull, the need to be closer to this person was so strong Derek felt like he was losing his mind. He closed his eyes, trying to push the voice out of his head, but that only seemed to make everything worse. He could see them now. His pack running around playing in the woods of his childhood. He could hear the male laughing, but he couldn't see him. Derek longed to hold the man close.

Opening his eyes again, Derek found himself face to face with Paige, her brown eyes cold as she looked at him. "Did you forget?" She asked, glaring down at him. His brows frowned as he looked up from his desk. "Oh god, you did forget. Date night Derek!" She snapped at him. "Oh. Yeah, I can't do tonight." He said as he went back to work. Derek felt the air in the room shift. He could feel eyes on him.

"What?" Her voice was broken, and Derek couldn't find it in himself to care. "Did I stutter?" He asked, glaring up at her. Paige stepped back in shock Before she fixed her star into something cold and hard. "I don't know what the hell has gotten into you Derek Hale, but this isn't the man that I married. So until you find yourself again and stop being an ass, I don't wanna see you at the house."

Derek looked her in the eyes, shrugged his shoulders, "okay," and went back to work. Paige huffed in annoyance and turned to walk away from him. Derek let her go, feeling every step she took like a weight being taken off of his chest. It was like he could breathe again, and Derek never felt better. His coworkers looked at him in shock but went back to work, thinking they had just finally hit the wall in their marriage as every couple did. That wasn't the case with them.

Now they'll never be the same.





He went to the funerals. For both of them, he stood in the back. He was watching slightly as their bodies were lowered into the cold and dark ground. Tears didn't fall for them. Not anymore, now a scowl was set onto his face. Derek was angry. He was beyond mad. He let this happen to his pack members, yes Derek had admitted it. They were his pack, his betas. Somehow he just knew this. He was the only one at Isaac's funeral, sadly. The pastor was looking at him with thanks.

Once everything was done, Derek found himself walking alone through the cemetery; it was a cold and rainy day in October. The wind blew lightly making him cold. He found himself standing in front of a tombstone. He looked down there was some mold on it, but you could still read the words, it said:

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