Ch. 16 Stiles

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So far Stiles has been able to set Camille on fire five different times within the two months he's been with this pack. Sam laughs now; he is no longer mad each time Stiles does this. He feels that using his powers will only make the pack stronger. Sam also lets Stiles walk around more and do things on his own, without Camille or Kylee. However, he does take walks with Alice almost every day. They walk from the house to the edge of the woods overlooking the land that was the packs. On these walks, Stiles tries his best to find out more about Sam and this mate that he is so desperately trying to replace but to no avail.

Sam would never talk about it, and when Stiles would ask the other girls, they would pale and look around as if Sam would jump out any second ready to rip them to pieces. Alice knew nothing, or so she says, Stiles can feel it in his bones. It was a puzzle that Stiles wanted to solve, and he hated that. He had always been good at solving things that had just fallen into his lap like nothing. It wasn't something he could get wrapped around his head. Giggling filled his ears, making Stiles look up from the book he was reading.

Camille walked past the library door with a phone to her ear. She turned to look at him before the smile on her face fell, and a dark look filled her eyes. Stiles glared back at her, his eyes changing color slightly, causing her to back away from the door their eyes never leaving each other until she was out of sight. Stiles took a sigh of relief once she was gone. He turned back to the book he was reading losing himself in the pages. Pages that he genuinely wasn't even reading, his mind running off the pages and somewhere else.

Stiles sat in his room the blinds were covering the windows making the room darker then it already is. Stiles felt cold, nowadays that's all he felt. It had to have been an after-effect from the Nogitsune. His body always ran hot with the power of the fox spirit and with the spirit gone Stiles was cold all over. He watched from his window the people that were outside of his house. Doing normal human things, those foolish people that didn't know the truth that lies in the world.

"Dear sweet lord, this place stinks!" Stiles jumped his arms flailing around the place before he hit the floor. A laugh filled the air causing Stiles to look up. She stood there, tall in her black heels — jeans that fit her just right and a shirt that would cause a priest to sin. Her markup was on point like always, and her curls bounced as she laughed. Stiles couldn't believe his eyes. The last time he had seen her, she was sent to a Hale friend so that she could recover from the near-death experience.

Stiles was so glad she wasn't here to see the monster he had become. "Erica?" "Who else batman?" She smiled, and Stiles was off of the floor with seconds to spare he pulled Erica into a hug. Feeling her relax in his arms was different from how everyone else would react to him near them. But Erica, no, she was different. Unlike the others, she knew Stiles has some darkness in him, but he would never act on it.

Her hands gripped his sides tightly as she hid her face in the groove of his neck. Her nose ran over his neck, taking in his smell, scenting him as she did so. "I missed you batman." They sat together on his bed. At first, he was quite wondering if she knew what he had done. If she knew of the evil that had taken him over. Erica like always didn't push for Stiles to explain himself to her; instead, she went on to tell him of what all she did while away and Stiles listened.

Like a mother who listens to her five-year-old talking, Stiles sat watching as Erica waved her hands around to explain what all she did and how much fun she had. Stiles couldn't help the smile that found its way to his face. The more she talked, the more he knew even if he were not okay right now, he would be okay, sometime in the future. Erica stayed that night; his father was at work on a case. They eat pizza together on his bedroom floor, watching a movie from Netflix on his laptop. She showered and took his clothes to sleep in before she curled up on his bed right next to him. 

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