Ch.4 Stiles

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Stiles hated lying to Derek and the pack. He really truly did. He knew it was a bad idea to meet Scott at their old favorite diner out of town. He knew it was a bad idea to wear his scent masking cologne so his pack wouldn't know. He knew it was wrong, but they might need help. They were strong, very strong. But if this witch could make an Alpha stuck in their beta form they might need more help.

So that's how Stiles found himself sitting in his normal spot waiting for Scott to show up. His fingers tapped on the table showing how nervous he was. Scott and him hadn't talked in five years. After Scott had basically said he didn't trust Stiles anymore. It hurt, but you can't grow a rose if it's surrounded by weeds.

Stiles sat with his friend in the small old time diner outside of town. He laughed as he watched Scott try and hold a spoon on his nose, failing each time. "No. No. No." He laughed, "like this." Taking his own spoon Stiles breathed on it before setting it slowly onto his nose. Taking his hand away the spoon stayed in place. Scotts eyes widened with surprise. "Not fair," he said pouting.

Stiles removed the spoon shrugging his shoulders, "not all of you werewolves can be as amazing as myself." Stiles moved his hands up and down his body to show his awesomeness off to his best friend. Scott rolled his eyes at his brother who now had proceeded to continue eating his curly fries. The bell rang making both boys turn to look at the door, Scotts eyes shined with joy before he got up and Stiles felt a sudden coldness fill his bones.

The person had black hair and dark eyes, a white smile was settled on their face while their dark hair curled around a lightly tanned face. Scott pulled the person into an embrace. Stiles, however, stood with a smaller smile as he waited for the two to part ways. When they did the person moved to give Stiles a quick hug before they sat down, next to Scott. Stiles felt his chest hurt ever so slightly.

"It's so good to see you guys without worry."  Her voice was light yet powerful at the same time. Stiles held back a roll of his eyes at the sound. Scott smiled down at Allison while she spoke, clearly too taken up by her 'beauty' to speak, so he spoke for him. "Yeah I know, now I don't have to worry about your family coming to kill me right?" "STILES!" Scott yelled. 

Their eyes locked, Stiles, a cold like ice stair not breaking while Scotts was one of complete shock. "No it's alright Scott." Allison said placing her hand on her lovers arm. "Stiles you know that wasn't my fault." Stiles laughed, he truly laughed, his hands hitting the table before whipping his eyes. "Yeah right okay." Scott felt a growl leave his lips but Stiles went on.

"Sure the Hale Fire wasn't your fault, that was all on your bitch of an aunt." He could see the hurt flash across her face, but Stiles was upset. He was so upset he didn't stop his talking. "However what's on your hunter ass is you attacking Derek and his pack members because you were stupid enough to believe your grandfather. You almost killed Scott, yet here he is falling back in your arms."

Stiles felt something in his chest, something building up, "You almost killed Erica and Boyd. Two kids that we can't even find now because you put them on the run and believe me if they're dead it'll be on your damn head too." Stiles stood after that he put money down before walking out. He said what he needed to say and now he was just tired. He needed to go lay down or something.

He was at his jeep, closing the door when a hand stopped him. Stiles closed his eyes ready to be yelled at, but a light voice filled his ears. "I get it you don't like her-" "I've never liked her." Stiles cut his friend off . Scott sighed, "Can't you at least give her the benefit of the doubt?" Stiles finally turned to look at Scott, his puppy dog like face filled with pain. He wanted to say yes. He wanted to go back into the diner and tell Allison he was sorry, that he didn't mean what he said. But he couldn't.

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