Justin's Group Chat Room: 12/19/17

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Chat Members: @ExplosionXx, @Raiderl1fe, @AppleJack, @Dave204, @Dominat0r, @Book_Worm

Tuesday, December 19th, 10:31 PM

@Book_Worm joined the chat

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Are you on, Justin?

[MEMBER] AppleJack: He's not here. Who are you?

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: I'm Justin's best friend.

[MEMBER] AppleJack: That's awesome! I didn't know he had a best friend. :D

@ExplosionXx joined the chat

[OWNER] ExplosionXx: Max?

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: I'm here.

[OWNER] ExplosionXx: Sorry that I'm late, my phone died.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: It's okay, I haven't been on for that long.

[OWNER] ExplosionXx: Is anyone else on?

[MEMBER] AppleJack: Me. :D

[OWNER] ExplosionXx: Okay, cool. So Book_Worm is Max. Max just got a new phone.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: It's an iPod, actually.

[OWNER] ExplosionXx: Same thing. This is Max's first time on Chat-Room, so I thought that you guys would help out.

[MEMBER] AppleJack: Cool! It's nice to meet you, Max. I'm Allyson.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Hi.

[MEMBER] AppleJack: I think that Kevin should be on soon, I think you'll like him. ;)

[OWNER] ExplosionXx: He's really cool.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Okay.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: So, um, Allyson, do you go to our school?

[MEMBER] AppleJack: Our???eeeeeeeeeeeeeewq

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Mine and Justin's.

[MEMBER] AppleJack: Ohhhh. No, I live on the other side of the world from you two.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Really? That's cool.

[MEMBER] AppleJack: Haha, it's actually 5 in the morning right now.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Wow, you're up early.

[MEMBER] AppleJack: I've been up all night. Sleep is for the weak! :P Besides, I have nothing going on, so might as well just stay on here.

[OWNER] ExplosionXx: Are you on Christmas break right now?

[MEMBER] AppleJack: Summer break for me! 

[OWNER] ExplosionXx: Oh, right! I forgot. 

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Well, this is our first day of Christmas break.

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