Justin's Group Chat Room: 1/5/18

19 4 1

Chat Members: @ExplosionXx, @Raiderl1fe, @AppleJack, @Dave204, @Dominat0r, @Book_Worm

Friday, January 5th, 2:15 PM

@Book_Worm joined the chat

[SHIPQUEEN] AppleJack: Maxie! You missed it yesterday! :D

[BESTFRIEND] Book_Worm: What happened?

[SHIPQUEEN] AppleJack: I beat Kevin five times in a row on Sea Battle!

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: Hey, I was having bad luck yesterday.

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: Come on, tell Max what it actually is.

[SHIPQUEEN] AppleJack: Okay, okay. I'm going to meet Davie for the first time! :)

[BESTFRIEND] Book_Worm: Wow, that's a big step.

[SHIPQUEEN] AppleJack: IKR?! He said that he already bought a ticket to come to Australia just to see me!

[SHIPQUEEN] AppleJack: Isn't he the best? <3

[BESTFRIEND] Book_Worm: What are you guys going to do?

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: You better text me about everything the second it happens, Ally.

[SHIPQUEEN] AppleJack: Don't worry, Kevin, I will.

[SHIPQUEEN] AppleJack: But I don't know yet. Probably eat, hang out at the park, talk.

[SHIPQUEEN] AppleJack: I'll probably just be staring at his face the whole time. <3

[BESTFRIEND] Book_Worm: Do you know what he looks like?

[SHIPQUEEN] AppleJack: No, but he promised to send me a picture today. I already know that he's going to be a hottie. ;)

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: Yeah, that's great. Have you told your parents yet?

[SHIPQUEEN] AppleJack: Oh no, I completely forgot about that. :O

[SHIPQUEEN] AppleJack: It's okay, they won't care. :)

[BESTFRIEND] Book_Worm: Are you sure? If I had a boyfriend that lived across the world from me, my parents would freak.

[SHIPQUEEN] AppleJack: I'm positive. They just want me to be happy.

[SHIPQUEEN] AppleJack: And Davie makes me happy. :)

[SHIPQEEN] AppleJack: He just texted me! I'll be back later.

@AppleJack exited the chat

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: Max, would you mind going on our chat room very quick?

[BESTFRIEND] Book_Worm: Uh yeah, sure. I'll be right on.

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: Thanks.

@Raiderl1fe exited the chat

[BESTFRIEND] Book_Worm: Why?

[BESTFRIEND] Book_Worm: Okay, nevermind.

@Book_Worm exited the chat

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