Justin's Group Chat Room: 12/21/17

28 3 0

Chat Members: Chat Members: @ExplosionXx, @Raiderl1fe, @AppleJack, @Dave204, @Dominat0r, @Book_Worm

Thursday, December 21st, 7:30 AM

@Book_Worm joined the chat

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Hello?

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: Sup.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Are you the only one on?

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: Looks like it.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know that you were alone.

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: Nah, it's cool. I just got on a couple of minutes ago.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: So what are you doing?

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: Playing Battlefield.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Is that another one of those GamePlay games?

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: Nah. PS4.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Ohhh, that's cool.

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: Do you have the game, dude? We can play together.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: I don't have it. How are you texting and playing at the same time?

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: I have mad skills.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Riiiight.

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: No!

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: What?

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: Nothing, just something in my game.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Oh, okay.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Chris?

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Are you there?

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: DANG IT!

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: What?!

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: Nevermind, I'm okay now.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: I'm so confused.

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: It's okay, dude. You can watch a couple of game-plays, you'll understand then.

Book_Worm: Maybe later.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Although you'd probably reply by the time I'm finished watching.

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: ****!

Message was blocked due to swearing.

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: Dang, Justin, why did you turn cussing off?

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Did you lose?

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: Yeah, but I'll be fine. Sorry that I'm not paying attention to the chat.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: No, it's fine.

@Raiderl1fe joined the chat

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: Hey, is anyone on?

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Me and Chris.

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: Aye, Christian, long time no see.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: He's not really replying. He's playing a game.

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: As usual. That's fine, he'll be done soon.

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: So, Max, do you watch any sports?

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Huh?

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: Like, you obviously don't watch football. So what do you watch?

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: I used to watch baseball with my dad.

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: Really?

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Yeah.

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: Dodgers or Giants?

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Neither. I'm an A's fan.

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: Good choice.

[COOWNER} Raiderl1fe: Although Giants are better.

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: Hey, Kevin, when did you get on?

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: Just now, did you not see me join?

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: Wasn't paying attention, whoops. How are you doing, bro?

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: Fine. How about you? You're the one that's never on the chat.

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: It's hard with school. But I'm on break now, so I can talk a lot more.

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: Sweet!

@AppleJack joined the chat

[MEMBER] AppleJack: Hi, everyone! :D

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: Oh God.

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: What's up, Ally?

[MEMBER] AppleJack: I was checking to see if Davie came on?

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: Davie? Really?

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: Not yet.

[MEMBER] AppleJack: :(

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: Boo-hoo. Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it.

[MEMBER] AppleJack: You don't have to be so mean, Chris. :(

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: You don't have to be so annoying, Allyson.

[MEMBER] AppleJack: Am not!

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: Shove an emoji up it.

[MEMBER] AppleJack: I'm leaving, I don't want to be here if he's going to be a meanie. :'(

[MEMBER] AppleJack: I'll see you later, Kevin. :(

@AppleJack left the chat

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: Dude, you could try to be nicer to Ally.

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: I've tried.

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: You definitely fooled me.

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: Whatever.

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: What would David say if he saw you being mean to his girl?

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: ...

[COOWNER] Raiderl1fe: Exactly.

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: You may not realize it, but I'm doing that girl a favor.

[MEMBER] Domina0r: It may not be obvious yet, but I promise you.

[MEMBER] Dominat0r: I'm saving her life.

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