Dave and Max's Chat Room: 3/14/18

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Chat Members: @Dave204, @Book_Worm

Wednesday, March 14th, 5:30 AM

[OWNER] Dave204: Hey.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Hello.

[OWNER] Dave204: Wow, I didn't expect you to be up so early.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Yeah, I've been up all night.

[OWNER] Dave204: You should go to bed.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: If I do then I won't be able to wake up for school.

[OWNER] Dave204: That's fair. I was up last night, we could've talked.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Oh, sorry.

[OWNER] Dave204: It's fine. Maybe another time.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Yeah, that would be cool.

[OWNER] Dave204: Yeah.

[OWNER] Dave204: So, do you have any stories you want to tell me?

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Hm...I've been to LA.

[OWNER] Dave204: Wow, what for?

[OWNER] Book_Worm: I used to do competition dancing when I was little.

[OWNER] Dave204: There are dance competitions?

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Of course, and they're a huge deal. Tons of kids dance and get awards. It was a lot of fun.

[OWNER] Dave204: Why did you stop?

[OWNER] Book_Worm: I just didn't have time. Got interested in other stuff.

[OWNER] Dave204: I never thought of you as a dancer.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Believe it or not, I could do the splits and a scorpion once in my life.

[OWNER] Dave204: Did you do anything else when you were younger?

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Softball.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: But that was a short phase.

[OWNER] Dave204: It's still cool.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Okay, you tell me a story.

[OWNER] Dave204: I don't really have any to tell.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Lies. Everyone has at least one.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: You said that you swim. Have you ever done any competitions?

[OWNER] Dave204: Sure. I've won a couple.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Great! When was your first?

[OWNER] Dave204: Last year, actually.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Wow, congrats.

[OWNER] Dave204: Thanks. I started when I was a freshman, so being able to get first after a couple of years of practice was an accomplishment for me.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: You didn't swim when you were younger?

[OWNER] Dave204: Never touched water. Outside of my bath, at least.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: No swim lessons or anything?

[OWNER] Dave204: Nothing.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: That's impressive.

[OWNER] Dave204: Thanks. I love doing it.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: That makes one of us. I hate swimming.

[OWNER] Dave204: Really, why?

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Had some freaky fish encounters when I went to the beach as a kid.

[OWNER] Dave204: Understandable. Pools are way better.

[OWNER] Dave204: One day we should swim together.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Ha, that would be cool.

[OWNER] Dave204: Yeah.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Shucks, gotta take a shower before school. I'll talk to you later.

[OWNER] Dave204: Bye.

@Book_Worm exited the chat

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