Dave and Max's Chat Room: 3/30/18

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Chat Members: @Dave204, @Book_Worm

Friday, March 30th, 5:16 PM

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Uh, I didn't join this chat.

The code @exit is unavailable for the user @Book_Worm. Please talk to the owner of the chat to fix that

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: ...Why can't I leave the chat??

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: What did you do, Dave?

@Dave204 joined the chat

[OWNER] Dave204: I'm sorry, but I can't wait anymore, Max.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: What?

[OWNER] Dave204: I'm not letting you leave until you tell me yes or no.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Kevin's messaging me something, I need to see if he's okay.

[OWNER] Dave204: So you care about Kevin more than me?

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: I never said that.

[OWNER] Dave204: All you have to do is answer my question and you'll be fine.

[OWNER] Dave204: Just please, be my girlfriend.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: You know what? No.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: I can't handle a relationship at this time.

[OWNER] Dave204: Oh, I see.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: And I asked Justin to report you for doing this to me. Don't do it ever again.

[OWNER] Dave204: Okay.

@Dave204 changed @Book_Worm's status

[OWNER] Dave204: I'm sorry for wasting your time.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Bye.

@Book_Worm permanently exited the chat. Add @Book_Worm back for him/her to see further messages

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