Kevin, Justin, Max, and Tony's Group Chat Room: 4/4/18

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Chat Members: @Raiderl1fe, @ExplosionXx, @Book_Worm, @HoneyNutCheerios

Monday, April 4th, 2:12 AM

@Raiderl1fe joined the chat

@Book_Worm joined the chat

@ExplosionXx joined the chat

[OWNER] Raiderl1fe: Thanks for being here. I know that it's early in the morning for you guys.

[MEMBER] ExplosionXx: Yeah, of course.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: We wouldn't miss it.

[OWNER] Raiderl1fe: I talked to Tony, and he said that he can't handle attending our funeral. He didn't want to have to go to two.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: I get that.

[OWNER] Raiderl1fe: So we're just going to get started.

[OWNER] Raiderl1fe: I did a little research, and we usually start with her favorite songs and speeches and stuff, but I think that we should just go to our personal speeches about her.

[MEMBER] ExplosionXx: Like we said, mediocre funeral.

[OWNER] Raiderl1fe: Who would like to go first?

[MEMBER] ExplosionXx: Sure, I'd be happy to go.

[OWNER] Raiderl1fe: Thank you.

[MEMBER] ExplosionXx: My favorite memories with Ally has always been our conversations on the group chat. There was this one time when we were just casually talking and then someone joined the chat really sad. Ally took no hesitation to make them feel better.

[MEMBER] ExplosionXx: She always wanted to make people feel better.

[MEMBER] ExplosionXx: Yes, she had depression and yes, she used to spend many nights telling me about the rain clouds that always circled her head. But that never stopped her when it came to trying to make others feel better. And she really made me a better person that way.

[MEMBER] ExplosionXx: Um, that's all I really want to say.

[OWNER] Raiderl1fe: Thank you, that was great.

[OWNER] Raiderl1fe: Max?

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Okay. Give me a second.

[OWNER] Raiderl1fe: Take all the time you need.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: I didn't know Ally as well as I could've.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: But I loved every conversation we had. Ally was so funny and so sweet to everyone. Even Chris.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: I loved when she called me Maxie and just everything about her. I really wish we could've gotten closer, but nonetheless, I know that she's in a happy place. And I know that she's looking down and guiding us, as she would've when she was physically with us.

[OWNER] Raiderl1fe: Thank you, that was really amazing.

[OWNER] Raiderl1fe: Okay, I wrote something up yesterday and copied it, so I'll paste it. Brace for a long message.

[MEMBER] ExplosionXx: Alright.

[OWNER] Raiderl1fe: Ally was my best friend. I spent a lot of time with her before and after school, and 24/7 during the summers. She's the funniest, smartest, cutest girl I have ever met.

We spent most of our time on GamePlay. Sea Battle was her favorite game. I think that it's mainly because she knew that she could beat me at that game. Even though I usually let her win for the heck of it. Ally was happy.

After a month of talking, she told me about her depression. I spent a lot of time worrying and talking to her about it. I don't think I ever helped Ally with it, but I think I distracted her from it. And even through the toughest moments, I felt like we could conquer everything.

I only realized how much I loved her when she started dating Dave. I still love her and I don't think that I'll be able to love anyone else for a while. I spent many nights angry and in tears at the thought of her being with him instead of me. Even though it was my fault, since I never asked Ally out, I always blamed Dave. He took her away from me.

And now I'll never be able to tell Ally how I truly feel. But that doesn't mean that I regretted being the friend that Ally could lean on when she was alive. And I hope that she's somehow watching this and that she's happy, wherever she is.

Ally didn't deserve what happened to her. She got heartbroken, left, and then murdered in the same day. She didn't do anything to bring something as cruel as that onto herself. Whatever reason this happened to her, I hope that it was a good one, because I sure can't see it right now.

[OWNER] Raiderl1fe: May you forever rest in peace, Ally. I love you.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: That was really beautiful, Kevin.

[OWNER] Raiderl1fe: Thank you.

[MEMBER] ExplosionXx: What's the next part of the ceremony?

[OWNER] Raiderl1fe: Well, there are usually a couple of prayers, but I don't know if that's appropriate since she wasn't religious.

[OWNER] Raiderl1fe: And there's usually food, but that can't really happen.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: I honestly think that she'd find this perfect.

[MEMBER] ExplosionXx: Yeah, same.

[OWNER] Raiderl1fe: Alright.

[OWNER] Raiderl1fe: Rest in peace, Ally.

[MEMBER] ExplosionXx: Rest in peace.

[MEMBER] Book_Worm: Rest in peace.

@ExplosionXx exited the chat

@Book_Worm exited the chat

@Raiderl1fe exited the chat

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