Dave and Max's Chat Room: 1/6/18

16 4 3

Chat Members: @Dave204, @Book_Worm

Saturday, January 6th, 4:46 PM

[OWNER] Dave204: Hey.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Hi there.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: So, when are you leaving to meet Ally?

[OWNER] Dave204: Tomorrow.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: That's really sweet of you to do.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Going to see her.

[OWNER] Dave204: I'm really excited.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Have you ever been to Australia?

[OWNER] Dave204: Nope, first time.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Do you have anything planned?

[OWNER] Dave204: Not really.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: So...you're just going to go see her?

[OWNER] Dave204: I guess.

[OWNER] Dave204: Has she told you how she feels about it?

[OWNER] Book_Worm: The H world.

[OWNER] Dave204: Darn it, I thought that I could get you with that.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Catch me in the moment?

[OWNER] Dave204: It was worth a shot.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Is that why you planned this trip? For me to say the H word?

[OWNER] Dave204: Wouldn't that be funny?

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Haha, yep.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Wait, so is this for your guys's anniversary or something?

[OWNER] Dave204: Yeah, something like that.

[OWNER] Dave204: Okay, it's my turn to ask questions.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Right, okay.

[OWNER] Dave204: Do you play any sports?

[OWNER] Book_Worm: No.

[OWNER] Dave204: Are you good at any sports?

[OWNER] Book_Worm: I guess. I'm pretty good at running.

[OWNER] Dave204: Do you like running?

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Yeah, sure. How about you?

[OWNER] Dave204: What?

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Do you play any sports?

[OWNER] Dave204: I'm on the swim team at my school.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Aye, I never saw you as a swimming kind of guy.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: I was expecting football or something.

[OWNER] Dave204: Football is practically asking to get a concussion. It's fun to watch, but not to play.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Haha, don't tell Kevin that.

[OWNER] Dave204: I don't think that he'd ever play football, either.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: I'm not sure about that. He seems like someone who would.

[OWNER] Dave204: Does everyone seem like someone who'd play football to you?

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Nah.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Justin would join cheer.

[OWNER] Dave204: If you don't do sports, then what do you do?

[OWNER] Book_Worm: I'm in my school's band.

[OWNER] Dave204: What do you play?

[OWNER] Book_Worm: The clarinet.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Do you play an instrument?

[OWNER] Dave204: No.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: What would you play if you could?

[OWNER] Dave204: Probably the trumpet.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Ugh, all the trumpets are obnoxious in my band.

[OWNER] Dave204: Oh, then I'd play the clarinet, too.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: It's fine if you want to play the trumpet, it's only the trumpets in my band that are annoying.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Being a trumpet player doesn't immediately make you annoying.

[OWNER] Dave204: Oh.

[OWNER] Dave204: Okay.

[OWNER] Dave204: I gotta go pack. Bye.

[OWNER] Book_Worm: Alright, goodbye.

@Dave204 exited the chat

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