001: First - Finland

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"Finny... 911, please come =( "

I looked at my phone again, thirty minutes ago I had received her message... and as any other time I came as fast as I could, after all she was my best friend. Unfortunately, I knew what was coming: a chat about Denmark and how much of a jerk he is... why did she even fall in love with someone like him?

Slowly I knocked on her door and in no time, I had her crying in my arms.

- Finny.... - she whispered- He... he cheated again- she gasped.

- ______- I said while hugging her, a knot trapped in my throat- Cry all you want.

... And she did. We moved to the couch and I just held her while her tears started to create a big wet stain in my shirt. I hated this days, seen her crying her eyes out for someone else, when all I wanted was her smile and her heart to be mine, and only mine.

- Why did he do it? Am I not pretty enough? - She said in between gasps.

- You are gorgeous ______, he is just a bad drinker- I said almost bitterly, I was so tired of excusing him when all I really wanted was for her to get rid of him, but that's not what a friend does... and I'll always be just her friend.

- Why did I fall in love with him? - she said looking at me with red eyes.

- Believe me, I ask myself that same question every day- I sighed... wait did I just say that?

- Do you really dislike Denmark that much?- she said now more calmed, almost intrigued.

- Well... I hate him for how he treats you- I said, trying my best to smile.

- I knew you would say that- she smiled- that's way you are my best friend- her last words echoed in my mind... Her best friend...

- Yeah- I sighed- Best friend- It hurts every time she says it.

- Is there something bothering you? - she said, her hand on my cheek.

- N-No... why would you think that? - I laughed awkwardly.

- Then why are you blushing?- Oh-oh... Not now!

- Nothing, It's just hot in here...

- But Finny we are at 3ºC.

- Oh... Then I guess its allergy... yeah that.

- You are a terrible liar- she said staring at me- Now tell me what's wrong with you... I want nothing but the truth!

I sighed... Was she really ready for me to tell her about my feelings? Well she did ask me to be honest... but was it the right thing? It would ruin our friendship...

- Finland! - she said interrupting my thoughts- Tell me!

- I like you! - I said blurting- More than a friend does...- I whispered this last part.

Everything went quiet for a few minutes, she stared into my eyes and I could see the confusion in hers. She then came closer, as if she wanted to decode something written in my eyes.

- Take a chance Finny- was all she said.

I smiled then, and closed the gap between us, touching her lips with mine in the kiss I had been dreaming of since her smile had brighten my life. That was the first time I... kissed my best friend.

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