Chapter 2

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 Chapter 2:

-          Niall's POV -

 Day 1:

"HOLY SHIT!" I heard Lou scream from downstairs.

...what the hell is going on this time?

"What? What is it?!" Liam yelled back.


"Fuck!" I heard Harry yell from the hallway. What's going on out there..? Is it bad that I'm trying not to laugh..?

"What happened?!" Liam yelled back.

"There's some remote controlled helicopter thing flying around outside, I think there's a camera on it!" yelled Harry.

Oh my god, this is only getting better.

"What the fuck?!" Zayn yelled from his room.

Seriously guys, stop it.

"What is it?!" Harry and Liam yelled back at the same time.

That's it.

I burst out into laughter, clutching at my sides so I wouldn't break something. I laughed so hard that I'm sure the whole house heard me.

Damn it, always the insincere one.

"Someone just sent a picture of Harry in the shower to my phone!" I heard Zayn shout out.

"Everyone! Meet us in the hallway, and stay away from the windows!" Liam ordered from the hallway.

Ok, breathe, you idiot.

I pulled myself together and took a deep breath to relax. I changed my face to serious and casually strolled out into the hallway to meet the others.

"I've called the police, they should be here in about five minutes." said Louis.

"Until then we should all stay here." Liam ordered.

Oh crap.

"But what if they come inside the house? We're an easy target if we're all together!" I whined.

I can't be trapped in the hallway in the dark...

"Fine." Liam agreed, "Everyone go into their rooms and shut the blinds, lock your doors and don't come out until the police get here." He announced. I gave him a thankful smile and sighed in relief. Liam smiled back. I don't know why but his smile always cheers me up.

"Readyyy, BREAK!" yelled Louis as he clapped his hands together. We all scattered in different directions and ran to our bedrooms.

"HUT! HUT! HUT!" Louis yelled as he ran past me and into his bedroom. I ran into my bedroom, laughing again to myself. I locked the door and went to draw the curtains shut when I realised they were see through.

Crap... I don't want this psycho taking pictures of me.

I unlocked my door and scanned the hallway. It was clear. I sprinted to Liam's room and knocked quietly on the door. No answer. Maybe he didn't hear me? I looked down the hallway again and saw nothing in the darkness.

Oh shit.

"Liam! My curtains are see through! Let me in!" I yelled through the door.

"Uh... coming!" He called. I sighed in relief. My relief was cut short though when I heard something creak downstairs. Just then Liam opened the door and without a thought, I lunged at him, wrapping my arms around his waist. Just knowing that Liam was there wiped away my fear and brought me an immense feeling of security. I think I lunged too hard because he stumbled backwards and we fell down onto the bed. My arms were still wrapped around his waist and I wasn't going to let go. Not after hearing something downstairs. Liam stood up and limped to the door with me still attached. He locked it again and started shaking his leg.

"Get off!" He whined. I grabbed on with my legs as well; wrapping them around his.

"Never!" I shouted back; squeezing his leg with all my strength.

"I warned you." He said. He reached out and flicked me in the middle of the forehead, hard. The pain shot through me and I let go of Liam and clutched at my forehead.

"Oww! The fuck was that for?!" I cursed as I writhed around in pain on the floor. The bastard actually started laughing.

"You asked for i-" He started but I didn't let him finish. I lunged at him again and tackled him back onto the bed. I sat on his stomach and pinned his arms to the sides of his head this time so that he couldn't move.

He looks so defenceless... He's just waiting there for me...

I started to lean towards him. My lips parted slightly. He looked startled.

Shit, what are you doing Niall?

I stopped myself from leaning any closer with my face inches from his. I stared into his eyes; trying to figure out if he'd thought something was off. He stared back. He didn't seem to have thought anything weird had happened.


His gaze wandered to my mouth.

Shit, he noticed. Quick, distract him!

"I'll get you for that." I cursed as I began rubbing my forehead. Liam looked back up at my eyes and I saw a smile grow in the corner of his mouth.

Oh crap, I let g-

I realised too late.

Liam grabbed me by the shoulders and attacked me; flipping us over so that now he was on top. He sat on my stomach and pinned my arms next to my head just like I had done to him. My heart was racing and I didn't even know why. He started leaning in, just like I did. He came so close that I swear I felt his lips on my ear. I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"I'm sure you will." He mused.

He pulled a crooked smile and rolled off of me and onto the bed to take a spot next to me. I took a deep breath to slow my heart rate then turned to face him. Again, my face was inches from his.

"Bastard." I chuckled nervously. Liam started laughing then reached his hand up to my face. My heart sped up again.

I can't take this.

He lightly brushed my hair from my forehead as he grazed where he had flicked me with the back of his finger. It seemed like he'd zoned out and I was thankful because if he hadn't he'd have seen the bright shade of red that I'd unintentionally turned. Then the doorbell rang and Liam came back to life; jumping up off the bed and running out into the hallway. I laid back amongst the blankets and stared at the ceiling, stroking my forehead, still blushing.

 Uh oh.

Is Your Heart Taken? - A Niam/Larry fanfic:Where stories live. Discover now