Chapter 35

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Chapter 35:

-          Niall’s POV –


Day 45: 

- 10 minutes earlier -

I looked up at Liam and my eyes met his. There was something different about him though. For once he didn’t smile, he didn’t look away, he didn’t anything. I clenched my hand tighter around his shirt. I felt his breath on my lips and my eyes wandered down to his. They looked irresistible as they started to draw closer to mine.

Wait, what..?!

He tilted his head slightly and his eyes closed. He kept drawing closer. My body went numb as I watched his lips part when they were less than an inch from mine. I closed my eyes; waiting, longing.

*Ring riiing! Ring riiing! Ring riiing!*

My eyes shot wide open to see Liam already pulling away from me; his face now showing an emotion that I’d never seen him relate to me before.

He looked terrified.

He stood up and started backing away from me as he reached for his phone; that same look still plastered across his face. He ripped his phone from his pocket and stared back at me:

“E-Excuse me.” He mouthed. I scrunched my eyes shut for a second in disbelief and when I snapped them back open, I only caught a glimpse of his back as he fled the room.

My eyes were already wide and I could still feel his breath on my skin, his hand in mine, his arm around me; pulling me close. There was no doubt in my mind:

He’d been about to kiss me.

I jumped up from the couch and bolted for the staircase. My heart was going a million miles an hour. I pounded up the stairs; taking two steps at a time, and sprinted down the hallway towards Liam’s room. I heard his voice just before I was about to bust the door wide open and I froze.

“Before you called I was about to...” He murmured. My eyes widened.

He’d actually taken the call..? Who could he possibly be willing to talk to after what just happened..?

I pressed my ear to the door; eager to hear the words that I knew finished his sentence.

“I was about to kiss him.” He breathed. My heart exploded.

I knew it.

“...I don’t know... I panicked and ran...” He sighed. I remembered the terrified look that he’d had on his face and I started to get anxious.

Who the hell is he talking to about this..? Am I missing something..?

“I’m gonna tell him everything in two weeks...” He said. Wait, what? ‘everything’?

“Don’t you dare, I have enough trouble hiding my feelings as it is.” He groaned. My heart leapt into my throat.

...feelings? As in for me..?

“I can’t help it when he acts like that around me.” He said. I felt a smile spread across my entire face. I didn’t care if I was missing something, I was about to open the door and tackle him onto the bed. I reached for the handle but stopped when he spoke again:

Is Your Heart Taken? - A Niam/Larry fanfic:Where stories live. Discover now