Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:


 - Liam's POV -


Day 14:

I opened my eyes to an empty bed. Just me and the sheets. Alone. Where was he? I had no idea. I got out of bed and checked the bathroom:


I looked outside my door and down the hall:


I went to his room and knocked on the door:

No answer.

I went inside and found nothing. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen:


I checked the lounge, the dining room, the downstairs bathroom, the fridge where we leave notes for each other if someone goes out, even the backyard.


Something didn’t feel right. My heart was starting to pound inside my chest. I began to panic.

“Niall?!” I screamed out; desperate for an answer.


I ran back upstairs and burst into Louis’ room; busting the door wide open. Louis jumped up in his bed. I must have scared the shit out of him.

“Where is he?!” I screamed, more to myself than Louis. I stormed into Louis' bathroom and checked there too. Nothing. He wasn’t there.

“Where is who?!” Louis yelled back.

“Niall!” I snapped. His face changed. “I can’t find him anywhere! What if--?” I cut myself off. My eyes widened.

“What..?” Louis cautioned.

“She texted him last night...” I mouthed, covering my mouth like the worried mother I can be. Louis’ eyes widened as well.

“You don’t think...” He trailed off. I didn’t want to hear it. I ran out of his room and burst into Zayn’s. Louis ran to Harry’s room. I burst through the door and searched his bedroom and bathroom.


Zayn started to yell something at me but I wasn’t listening. I ran to Harry’s room to see if Niall was there. Harry appeared at the door looking just as worried as Louis and I knew that he wasn’t there either. He wasn’t anywhere.

Where the fuck is he?!

I screamed out and punched the wall next to me; leaving a huge crater behind. I stormed past Harry and Louis whose mouths were gaping as they stared at the hole I’d just made. I stormed downstairs and into the living room. I kicked the couch, then clenched my fists; digging them into my head.

“Shit!” I cursed. I heard the others coming down the stairs and calling out to me.

Louis came into the room holding his mobile phone. He was calling someone, as was Harry. Louis put the phone to his ear and waited.

“Hello?!” He yelled as soon as the phone was answered. “You’re not with Niall by any chance are you?!” He asked. He'd calmed his voice slightly. Harry shut his phone.

“No answer from Niall’s mobile.” He said, more to me than anyone else. I fell onto the couch and hung my head in my hands.

How can this be happening? I just got him back.

Is Your Heart Taken? - A Niam/Larry fanfic:Where stories live. Discover now