Chapter 29

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Chapter 29:

-          Louis’ POV –

Day 41:

Niall busted the door wide open. He stormed up to Liam and pulled him away from me; shooting me a cold glare before turning around and dragging Liam out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him. I stared blankly back at the door; trying to process what the hell had just happened. It didn’t take me long to figure it out when considering the evidence:

-          Niall was blushing insanely when Liam was flirting with him on the couch,

-          Niall had ran off after Liam had kissed him,

-          Niall had been grinning from ear to ear after they got back from their ‘date’,

-          Niall had given Liam an Eskimo kiss. No one gives their friend an Eskimo kiss.

-          And finally, Niall had just ripped Liam out of my arms and taken him away from me.

Niall was in love with Liam.

I felt an evil smile growing on my face as an idea started to form in my head.

Liam had gotten Harry and I together, and now I was going to do the same.

Let the games begin.


-          Liam’s POV –

Day 43:

I stared back at my reflection in the mirror. I no longer saw someone who was pretending to be something that he wasn’t; I now saw someone who was one secret away from breaking apart.

I’d almost told Niall everything the other day, especially when he’d decided to give me a fucking love bite. I’d pulled out every trick that I had left to keep him from finding out that I’m in love with the idiot, and now I no longer have a safety net. The next time he confronts me about it I’ll have no leg to stand on and will turn into a blubbering mess and-

Ah, I’ll be found out, okay?

I sighed and rubbed at the hickey mark on my neck. It was still bright red and wasn’t showing any signs of disappearing any time soon. I blushed. I still couldn’t believe that Niall would do something like that to me. Although, I also never believed that he could even possibly be attracted to guys. Like this is Niall we’re talking about here.

I came back to reality and caught myself smirking in the mirror. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I may have a chance, even if it was just because gender was no longer an issue.

I sighed again.

I had to be careful though, because if he was going to do anything like that again, then I was going to have to find a whole new level of self control to keep myself from jumping him.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a knock on the door, followed by Niall’s voice:

“Liaaam! You ready yet? The car’s gonna be here in five minutes!” He called through the door.

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