Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:

-          Harry’s POV –


Day 32:

 “I Love you.”

The words had slipped from my mouth the second I'd seen Louis’ face. His eyes were red and the tears were still drying on his skin. He stared back at me in shock; his expression unchanging.

“Wait, wh-“ He started but I cut him off.

“I said I love you!” I shouted back. I couldn’t let there be any doubt in his mind. He had to know, one hundred percent. He stared back at me; unable to either process or believe what I’d just said.

Honestly, I was surprised myself that I believed it. I hadn’t even realised until last night, when Louis had drunkenly curled up against my side in his bed and had nuzzled his face into my shirt.

Ah, but anyway.

I clenched my teeth.

What is it going to take for me to let him know?

I leant in and forced my lips to his again; closing my eyes at the touch. I moved my lips slowly against his but he didn’t kiss me back.

I pulled away and stared into his eyes; desperate for an answer.

“...let go.” He said coldly. He was glaring back at me and it sent shivers down my spine. Bad ones. I let go of his wrists and climbed off of him; sitting on the edge of the bed. Louis sat up and turned away from me. I could feel myself starting to break. He wouldn’t look at me.

Shit, why’d I have to use the L word? It’s too strong. Too demanding. I should’ve just said something weaker like “I like you.” or “Go out with me?” or “I want to shag you sensle-

“ have no right.” Louis murmured. I stared back at him in confusion.

Crap, was I thinking aloud just now?

“L-Louis, what do you me--“

“No fucking right!” He snapped. He covered his eyes with his forearm and sucked in a choked up breath.

Great, now I’d made him cry, again.

Why can’t I ever get it right?

I reached out to rest my hand on his shoulder but I stopped just before it reached. We sat there in silence for what felt like forever. Louis finally started to speak again:

“You’re a real bastard, you know that?”

He looked back at me and to my surprise, he was smiling from ear to ear.

“You chain me to a bed, you make out with me, then you run off and leave me here; thinking that you’re disgusted by me, then you bust in here and tell me you love me.”

He was laughing now and I was getting kind of worried. Suddenly he lunged at me and pinned me against the bed the same way that I had a moment earlier. He leaned in close to my ear and my heart started to race. I felt his teeth graze my ear as he spoke:

“You can’t expect me to let you get away with that.”

My eyes went wide.

I was stupidly turned on by an aggressive Louis.

Suddenly I didn’t want to tell him that Liam had set us up. Louis chuckled and I could feel his breath roll down my neck.

“I-I’m sorry.” I choked out. I was so anxious I was finding it hard to breathe.

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