Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

 - Liam's POV -

Day 8:

It’s been four days since we met Amy, and four days since Louis and I had found out her true nature of being a stalking psychotic.

We have a plan already formed and now we’re just waiting for the right opportunity. The opportunity, however, is not presenting.

Niall and Amy had been texting continuously the past day or so and it was getting to me. We’d be sitting on the couch, watching TV with everyone, when suddenly he’d get a message, he’d hide his phone from me so that I couldn’t see it and then pull the crooked smile that I love at his screen. It was brutal to me.

Why can’t I make him smile like that..?

Even though I knew that Amy was full of it, it still drove me insane that Niall could be attracted to such a horrible person, but not me.

Am I not good enough? Do I repulse him? Surely I’d stack higher on his list of ‘maybes’ then that witch. I winced. No... She’s female. That automatically puts her millions above me. I’m probably not even on his ‘maybe after 10 beers’ list.

Louis saw my face change and grabbed my hand; squeezing it tight. He'd really been there for me the past few days. Whenever Amy was mentioned he’d run to my side and help me through it. I don’t deserve a friend like Louis after not noticing what he’s been through with Harry. It crushes me to think of what Niall’s repulsed face would look like if I ever kissed him, but for Louis to have actually seen Harry’s reaction, then to go on pretending like it never happened, I don’t think I’d survive. I wish I’d have been there for him like he is for me right now. I owe him so much, and once this Amy thing is over, I’ll find some way to repay him. Until then; I can only hope that our plan exposes her for what she truly is.

I heard footsteps coming from the staircase. I looked up to see Niall run past the living room on his way to the front door. He grabbed his jacket from the stand and put it on as he turned to face us: 

"Bye guys! I’m off to grab a coffee with Amy!” He chimed; reaching for the doorknob. Louis put an arm around me and for a second, I swear I saw Louis shoot a glare back at Niall.

“We’ll be here, together... Right Liam?” Louis smirked. He grabbed my chin with his thumb and index finger and turned my gaze to meet his. I stared back confused.

What is he trying to pull?

Niall flinched for some reason.

“R-R-Right!” He chimed back hesitantly. “See ya later then!” He cheered as he slammed the door behind him. Harry entered the room at that very moment and stood in the doorway staring at Louis and I. I swear his jaw dropped. Louis tensed and pulled his hand away from my chin quickly. He blushed as he scratched the back of his head.

“Ah... sorry about that Liam...” He mumbled, avoiding both Harry and mine’s gaze. Harry turned around walked into the kitchen.

That was weird.

Something was definitely up with Harry. I didn’t bother thinking into it more deeply. If Harry had an issue, he’d come to one of us about it when he was ready, like always.

“You alright Liam?” Louis asked; looking back at me concerned. I must have zoned out.

“Yeah, fine...” I mumbled. I didn’t want to be awake right now. Whenever I stressed out about what they were doing together I got extremely tired. I stood up and headed for the door:

Is Your Heart Taken? - A Niam/Larry fanfic:Where stories live. Discover now