Chapter 6

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 - Niall's POV -


Day 2:



Just when I'd finally gotten Liam out of my head; I’m brought crashing back down to reality. My reality. Which is that Liam; a pure masterpiece, is sitting in front of me, giving me the world’s most dazzling smile as he watches me eat pancakes of all things.

Like, are you fucking kidding me? Here I am barely able to be in the same room as him without snapping and he is actually making such a face at me? Is he asking for it?

He's sitting next to me at the breakfast bar with one elbow on the counter. He's got his chin resting on his hand as he sits there and gazes back at me with what I can only describe as the world’s most love filled smile. My heart aches just looking at it.

What had I done to deserve this?

I was just buying a girl ice cream and now I get to have him smile this brilliantly at me. I feel like I’ve cheated on him. It’s like he doesn’t suspect a thing and I’ve gone out and betrayed his trust by buying some random girl ice cream.


I haven’t though.

I doubt he’d care about her or any other girl I show intrest in in the slightest

Wait, maybe if he met her I could find out..? No. That’s a horrible way to use someone... ugh, but still, just the question itself is killing me, let alone the answer.

Just how much does he care about me?

I realised that I'd dazed out and shook my head in an attempt to bring myself back to this hideous reality of mine.

“Bananas!” I cheered; jumping up and running to the cupboard where Harry had thought he’d hidden them. I opened the cupboard and reached up to get to them; straight away realising that I wasn’t tall enough. I stretched and stretched but I couldn’t get to them. Damn, Harry must have moved them up a shelf. I was about to give up and climb onto the bench top when I felt Liam’s body press against me from behind. I froze and glanced back at him out of the corner of my eye. He was reaching up for the bowl, but I didn’t care about that anymore. His face was so damn close.

Then reality got worse. Because he turned to face me, and I did the same. Because I could feel his breath on my neck and blushed but he didn’t notice. Because my heart was skipping every second beat and because oh god his lips are parting and they look so damn good as they're coming closer and-

Wait, what?

Liam's arm was now pinned above me, his head turned to the side as he leaned even closer, his eyes half shut as they locked with mine, and his breath close enough for me to feel it brushing my lips.

I closed my eyes. Our lips were probably milimetres away when I heard a scraping sound above me. My eyes shot open to see Liam reaching up and catching the bowl of bananas before it fell on the both of us. My heart sunk so deep into my stomach that I swear I actually felt it hit the bottom. I stepped back.

He was just trying to reach them... He was probably just toying with me.

I felt a stabbing pain in the back of my throat as he set the bowl down next to me, I felt my entire body flush bright red. Stupid Niall, why would he want to kiss you? Idiot. You're an absolutely huge idiot. A gigantic, ridiculously huge idiot.

I risked a glance at his face and I froze.

The person that I was looking at wasn’t Liam.

His face had twisted into an expression that I didn’t recognise; with a smile filled with a darkness that I’d never seen before in Liam, and eyes so taunting and sadistic that I actually had to fight back shivers at just the feeling of having them roll over me. He smirked back at me and looked me up and down. I tensed.

Is Your Heart Taken? - A Niam/Larry fanfic:Where stories live. Discover now