Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:


-          Harry’s POV –


Day 17:

It’s been almost two days since I’d spoken to Liam. Well, if you could call him Liam. When he'd mentioned Louis’ name I'd freaked.

He knew.

I’d spent the next few days avoiding him at all costs; locking myself in my room, going out with mates, anything. But it didn’t last. Every time that I saw him touching Louis, my rage would grow stronger. He was doing it on purpose. I wouldn’t have minded but Louis always touched him back. It killed me, and so I'd had to stick around; to protect Louis from whatever he was planning.

I sighed and walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and dug around, looking for something to make breakfast with. Nothing. You’d think with Niall gone and Liam not eating that the fridge would be full. I gave up and decided on a banana. I was about to reach for the cupboard when I heard someone enter the kitchen. I turned my head to see Liam sitting at the breakfast bar; elbow on the counter, chin on his hand, smiling back at me.

Ohhh fuck.

“Hey.” He said; that creepy smile from before coming back to his face. It made me cringe. I wasn’t used to seeing Liam like that. I gulped and turned to face him properly.

“C-Come on then, out with it.” I said; trying to make this as painless as possible, like ripping off a bandaid. Liam’s smile turned even darker as he stared back at me:

“Feisty, aren’t we?” He mused. I felt really uncomfortable that voice still shot shivers down my spine. “Alright then... I’ll cut straight to the point.”

I clenched my fists, waiting for the judgement, the disgust, the torment. None of which came.

“I have a plan to get you two together.” He said bluntly.

Wait, what?

I stared back at him in confusion, eyebrows furrowed, lips pursed.

“Now... you will go along with it...” He murmured as he got to his feet. He slowly crept around the breakfast bar and leaned against the counter next to me. He started leaning towards me and I turned my head away from him. I felt his breath on my neck before he whispered something in my ear:

“Unless you have the balls... to ask him out yourself..?” He mused.

You fucking-

I clenched my fists even tighter, but now instead of fear it was rage building up inside of me. It took all that I had to stop myself from punching him then and there.

Then it hit me.

I’d seen the way he acted around Louis. Always handsy and warm smiles and giggles and everything. He was planning on taking Louis for himself. He was trying to trick me. I refused to let him. If he was going to play me, then I was going to play him back.

“...what did you have in mind?” I asked; an evil smile not unlike Liam’s growing in the corner of my mouth. I folded my arms across my chest and smirked back at him.

Come on, fall for it.

“Well... I can’t give away all the details...” He mused.

Is Your Heart Taken? - A Niam/Larry fanfic:Where stories live. Discover now