Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

-          Liam’s POV - 

Day 31:

“That bastard set us up.” I cursed as I fixed my jacket. Niall was still staring back at me; speechless. I sighed and took a seat. Everyone else was staring at us too, especially the waiter. I gestured for Niall to sit down and he did, hesitantly. I asked the waiter for two menus and a jug of water which he nodded in response to and then left us alone.

“I’m gonna kill Louis.” I said; smirking back at Niall.

Niall looked insanely nervous all of a sudden. I had no idea why.

“You alright?” I asked softly; suddenly becoming nervous as well. He nodded hesitantly and started looking around the restaurant. We hadn’t been to this particular place before and the more that I looked, the more romantic it became. There were fairy lights strung across the ceiling like stars, there were red velvet curtains draping the windows which looked over a courtyard that was lined with lanterns, they had a band on stage outside playing a of cover of Paper Aeroplane by Angus and Julia Stone, the whole dining area was lit with candles and every table had a rose and a candle in the centre of it. Now I was getting increasingly nervous by the second.

I looked around at the other tables. Everyone else was on a date. I glanced up at Niall and our eyes met. My heart skipped a beat. I blushed instantly and averted my eyes to the table cloth. The waiter came back just in time and handed us a menu before placing a jug of water down on the table along with two glasses. He apologised and said that they were running low on menus so we’d have to share.


I moved my eyes back to the table cloth as he walked away. I hadn’t been anywhere near enough Niall for two weeks and suddenly we were forced here together. I couldn’t face him.

I reached out for the menu in front of me and Niall did the same. Our hands touched and I flinched; drawing my hand back.

“S-Sorry...” I murmured before averting my gaze back to the table cloth.

“A-Ah, my bad...” He said softly as he opened up the menu and buried his head in it. I glanced up at him as he read it. His face was blanketed by a warm, flickering light from the candle between us. I could see the flame dance in his eyes as he searched for something to eat. He bit his lip and glanced up at me. This time I couldn’t look away from such a face.

“Anything good?” I asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.

God he’s beautiful.

He stared back at me and I swear I saw his cheeks flush a light red.


“The bacon cabonara looks pretty good actually...” He murmured. A soft smile had started growing on his face and was replacing the nerves that were there before. I was about to smile back but realised that I was already grinning from ear to ear.

I hadn’t even noticed.

He leant over and passed the menu to me. I took it and started scanning the pages for something to eat. It was an Italian restaurant, so everything looked amazing. I glanced up at Niall and our eyes met again. This time he averted his eyes to the table cloth. Those two weeks aside, I hadn’t even been out with him as just the two of us since I’d realised that I was in love with him. My awkwardness must have been showing.

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