Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

 - Niall's POV -

I ended up going to the shopping centre two blocks away from the house. I was zoned out and about to step off of the escalator when I saw that the girl in front of me wasn’t moving;

“Look out!” I yelled, but it was too late. I crashed into her; knocking the both of us to the ground. The person behind me was about to step on her as he got off but I grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the way just in time. She was kind of in a daze.

“I’m so sorry, are you alright?” I asked; helping her up. She looked up at me and her eyes widened.

"N...Niall?!” She exclaimed.

I don’t know her do I..? She must be a fan...

“Are you alright?” I asked again, smiling back at her. She had wavy light brown hair that went down almost to her hips, she was a few inches shorter than me and had a slim figure, and she had bright green eyes that sparkled as she smiled back at me. She was rather cute.

“Yes, I’m fine. I’m sorry about that! I’m terrified of escalators!” She said, scratching her head as if it was something puzzling to her. I chuckled.

“Then why were you on one?” I asked.

“I was trying to get over it, you know, face your fears, stare into the barrel of the gun and all that.” She answered back. She was laughing to herself. Ir was obvious that probably nothing could phase this girl.

“I think you failed, then.” I chuckled.

“Shh!” She hissed, “I’ll win next time!”

“It’s not a competition.” I mused. She pouted and looked up at me like a seven year old.

“Meanie...” She grumbled; crossing her arms over her chest.

I like her.

“I’m sorry anyway, I still bumped into you.” I insisted.

“Well then you can buy me ice cream to make up for it!” She announced. She grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards Maccas. For some reason I let her drag me and held her hand back. She pulled me up to the counter and ordered:

“Two soft serves please! They’re on him!” She said; pointing to me over her shoulder with her thumb. I laughed and pulled out my wallet. I paid the cashier and the girl grabbed both cones and darted over to a nearby table. She stared at me impatiently until I sat down. When I did I reached out for one of the cones but she pulled them both away. “Uh-uh! These are mine!”

“What, both of them?” I asked; shocked.

“I have needs!” She yelled back, then poked her tongue out at me. I chuckled.

“Okay then... can I at least know the name of the girl who is depriving me of ice cream?” I asked.

“Amy. Amy Sierra.” She answered.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you Amy Sierra, I’m--“

“Niall Horan.” She cut in. “I know.”

I laughed, this girl had no manners.

“Well what else do you know then?” I mused.

“...Well, the fact that you’re out here in a public shopping centre by yourself would mean that you wanna be alone with your thoughts; probably because you’re mad at someone or trying to escape something.” She stated, glancing up at me from her ice creams.

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