Chapter 38

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Chapter 38:

-          Niall’s POV -

Day 50:

We sat down at the table and I immediately zoned out. I just couldn’t be bothered with anything. My mind was overrun with thoughts of Liam. He still hadn’t touched me. I’m at my breaking point. I can’t last another second. There’s not enough time for me to go along with whatever he’s doing. I’m running out of time. I have to make him fall for me. Now.

I sighed.

I still had no idea how I was going to make him fall for me. I knew that flirting wasn’t the answer, that only brought out Dark Liam. I’d racked my brain all week but I’d only come up with different ways to act around him. Surely acting cute or needy wouldn’t work though. I needed something stronger. I needed to make him feel something that he didn’t know he could. And just as conveniently as that, an idea popped into my head:

I could try to make him jealous.

I stood up and excused myself; making my way towards the bar. I paused halfway though, when an opportunity caught my eye:

A group of guys that had been eyeing me since we’d gotten here.

I guess they were pretty attractive, not that I cared, but they’d have to do. One of them had light brown hair, not unlike Louis’, and was staring right at me. I made sure that his gaze caught mine for a second before I turned around and started walking back to where Liam and the others were. I didn’t even get half way before I felt him grab my hand and pull me backwards.

We both stopped and I span around to meet a cocky smile and a face full of hope:  

“Hi, I’m Mike.” He said, letting go of my hand and holding the other out for me to shake. I smiled back and reached out to take his hand in mine.

“Niall.” I said. He smiled wider.

“Ooh! Irish!” He exclaimed. I smiled wider too and genuinely blushed because of my accent. He let go of my hand and leant against the table next to us. “I haven’t seen you around here before, your first time?” He joked; raising an eyebrow at me. I laughed.

“I was here for a date a few weeks ago, actually." I smirked. His eyebrow dropped.

“Oh? Are you taken then?” He asked; already disappointed. I glanced over at where Liam was sitting and saw that he wasn’t looking yet.

Damn, I have to go further.

“It didn’t work out.” I smirked. His face lit up and I found myself smiling again out of habit:

“Care for a drink?”

-          Liam’s POV –

Day 50:

When I’d realised that Niall hadn’t come back after five minutes, I immediately started to panic. That knot in my stomach from before was now tearing me up from the inside; making it hard for me to breathe. Call it instinct I guess, but I knew with my entire body that something bad was happening. I excused myself from the table and started to head for the bar. The place was now packed and a group of people had blocked my view of it from where I’d been sitting. I peered through the crowd as I got nearer and nearer and when I caught sight of Niall, I froze where I was standing.

Is Your Heart Taken? - A Niam/Larry fanfic:Where stories live. Discover now