Chapter 26

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Chapter 26:

-          Niall’s POV –

Day 37:

I came downstairs to find Liam sitting at the breakfast bar; munching on a piece of toast. The second he saw me come in he turned to face me and flashed me that brilliant smile of his. I blushed and it took me a second to compose myself.

“Morning.” He said softly; still smiling back at me. I felt my heart skip a beat. I’d never get used to that smile.

“Hey Liam.” I smiled back. “Why are you in such a good mood?” I teased. I took a seat on the stool next to him and he smiled even wider.

“Oh, nothing really, just thinking about how great life is turning out these days. Getting to know the others, meeting you, Sarah coming to live here...” He trailed off as his gaze wandered towards the window. He looked absolutely beautiful in the morning sunlight. I had to close my mouth and stop gaping. I blushed as I took in his words, then gritted my teeth as I realised he was smiling about Sarah.

“You two are really close... huh?” I asked softly, staring down at my hands that were now resting on the countertop. I heard him chuckle.

“She’s the female version of me, we’re not so much ‘close’ as we are ‘joined at the hip’” He mused. I clenched a fist under the table. The thought of Liam being around someone else that could make him happier than I did infuriated me beyond belief. Add that to what had been going on the past week, I snapped.

I leant closer to him and locked my eyes with his. I was determined and I wouldn’t take no for an answer:

“Go out with me.” I said; more of an order than a question. Liam stared back at me for a few moments. I couldn’t read his expression. “It’s your birthday next week, so I wanted to take you out for the day, just the two of us.” I continued, my voice starting to waver. His face changed and he smiled back at me once again with that brilliant gaze.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He murmured. He was staring back at me with a look that I didn’t recognise. I bit my lip and slammed my hands down on the table.

“Great! We’re gonna have a blast!” I beamed. I turned to walk out of the kitchen but Liam called out to me just before I reached the door:

“Where are we going?” He asked from behind me. I felt a smile grow in the corner of my mouth as I turned to face him:

“It’s a secret.” I smirked back.


-          Liam’s POV –


Day 40:

I sat in the kitchen that was lit by nothing but moonlight. I was exhausted. I took a sip of my water and sighed deeply. The past few days had been insanely busy. We had a charity concert coming up and we were being run into the ground by our management. All week we’d been going to countless interviews, radio stations, signings, meet and greets, even filming for a new promotional video to encourage people to donate. Actually, exhausted would be an understatement. I was so drained that I was honestly considering sneaking into Niall’s bed and cuddling up for the night.

I sighed again and jumped as the lights turned on. I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Niall approaching me from behind. He wrapped his arms around my neck and lightly crossed his wrists as he leant his chin on the top of my head. I heard him take a deep breath then slowly exhale. He was as tired as I was. I reached up and grabbed one of his hands; stroking it lightly with my thumb.

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