Chapter 42

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Chapter 42:

-          Liam’s POV –

Day 56:

We were all sitting around the breakfast bar when Niall came downstairs to join us for dinner. He flinched for a second when he saw the empty seat next to me before walking cautiously over to it and sitting down beside me. He didn’t say hello.

My heart practically snapped in two.

Harry started serving dinner and I zoned out.

Niall doesn’t want to be around me anymore... that, or he’s given up trying... I’ve been a massive dick to him this week after all; it’s no wonder that he’s given up on me.

I felt my heart tighten almost as if someone was squeezing it inside my chest.

I really have been a selfish bastard... All I’ve been thinking about is myself; not even considering Niall’s feelings. He’s probably wondering why the hell his best friend is avoiding him... He probably thinks that it’s his fault...

I winced. I hated the idea of Niall thinking that I didn’t want to be around him. Although every time I saw him now made my heart ache, the idea of him thinking that I didn’t want him made me want to punch something.

I was stuck.

I couldn’t avoid him without hurting his feelings, and I couldn’t be around him without having my heart feel like it was being ripped out of my chest. I shot a quick sideways glance at Niall and noticed that he wasn’t smiling. My heart throbbed again.

He’s always smiling at dinner... no matter what’s going on...

I clenched a fist under the counter.

You really are selfish. He’s like this because of you. Fix it. Now!

I zoned back into the conversation; praying for an opportunity to get Niall to smile again:

“Umm... no?” Zayn answered; Louis laughed.

“Come on now Harry, you’re scaring the little guy!” Louis chimed in. I couldn’t help but laugh. Zayn hated being patronised.

“Sorry, sorry! I was just curious is all...” Harry defended then trailed off; turning to face Niall.

Maybe now’s my chance..?

“Wh-What..?” Niall choked out. He seemed kind of on edge. Harry laughed.

“Oh nothing... just thinking that you look particularly cute today.” Harry joked. “Don’t you agree... Liam?”

My eyes widened.

He had to emphasise my name, didn’t he?

I plastered a smile on my face and turned to face Niall; my eyes scanning him up and down. I was seriously trying to figure out why Harry had said that. Niall always looked adorable.

“He always looks cute.” I found myself saying aloud.

Shit, did I just say that?

I panicked and took a bite of pasta; trying to help my poker face. Niall stared back at me with a weird look on his face.


“Oi, oi, you’re not planning on cheating on me, are you Harry?” Louis cut in; slightly pouting. Harry grinned back at Louis and reached a hand up to ruffle Louis’ hair:

Is Your Heart Taken? - A Niam/Larry fanfic:Where stories live. Discover now