Chapter 32

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Chapter 32:


-          Liam’s POV –


Day 43:

I shut the door to Niall’s room and made my way downstairs. I walked out into the backyard and around the side of the house. I jumped up onto the A/C unit and then onto a huge branch extending from the tree next to it. I climbed higher and higher up into the tree until I was on the branch that was extending over the roof. I jumped down and landed on the tiles; trying to be as quiet as possible. I tip toed along the edge of the roof until I reached the part where the roof of the second story joins to the roof of the first. I sat down and laid back against the slope; staring up at the sky. It was already dark, and the stars were out for once.

I sighed. I hadn’t been out here in a long time. Not since we’d first moved in and I’d occasionally needed space from the others. And that’s what I needed right now.


From Niall.

I folded my hands behind my head and stared up at the stars as I let my mind wander. I’d realised something the very second that I’d closed the door to Niall’s room just now. I’d realised that our relationship had changed. It was no longer one of friendship. Friends didn’t flirt like we did, even as a joke. There was now a certain level of sexual tension, even if the fact that I was hoping that it was real was unapparent to Niall.

I sighed again.

...Go on, say it.

Wow, I never knew you had it in you.

...shut up.

No, seriously, I never knew, I mean, I didn’t even have to come out just now. That was all you.

...So what if that was all me? He doesn’t know that.

But I do.

No one cares what you know.

Aw, why are you so mean to me?

Because you’re an ass. That’s why.

Aw shucks, you’re making me blush! Just like you did Niall back there.

Shut up, he didn’t blush because of me.

Oh really? I believe the words you used were ‘you wouldn’t have shouted for me to stop’, that’d have anyone blushing.

Yeah, well, you’re wrong. He doesn’t think of me that way.

I don’t know about that, I think he really was having a sex dream about you.

Don’t screw with me. I can’t take any false hope right now. Especially since we’re going to be spending my birthday together.

Ah yes, I forgot about that... This’ll be interesting...

...what are you planning this time..?

Nothing, but I know that you’ll snap no matter what happens and do something yourself.

I winced. He was right. I wouldn’t be able to take an entire day with Niall.

Maybe I should plan what I’m going to do when I snap so that I don’t screw everything up...

Screw holding back, demand birthday sex.


What is wrong with you? Do you ever get your mind out of the gutter?

Hey, I’m a part of you, don’t go judging me. You know that you want him just as much as I do.

Yeah, but I don’t see him as a piece of meat.

Quit screwing around, you can’t hold out much longer. I give you two weeks; tops.

Ugh, why do you have to set a date like that? It makes me feel like something big is going to happen soon.

Haha, something big will only happen if you let it.

Well then, I won’t let it.

You say that now, but what if someone tries to take him before you do?

I’ll keep them away. No one will get him before I d-

Ha! Gotcha! You can’t hide it, you’re planning on making a move soon, aren’t you..?


Admit it. You want more. You crave it.

Okay, fine! I admit it!

I sat up and buried my face in my hands. Dark Liam was right. I couldn’t stay in this state forever. I’d have to tell him eventually. said two weeks right..?

Yep. And not a day over.

I winced. Dark Liam was a part of me. If anyone knew my limit with Niall before I did, it’d be him. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed again.

I had to change my game plan, before Dark Liam did it for me.

...two months.


...soon I’ll have been in love with him for two months, I’ll make my move then.

Oh really? Suddenly growing a pair are we..?

Shut up. You’re right. If I don’t tell him soon, you will. And I’d rather destroy my life with my own hands, thank you. you’re really going to do it..?

I stood up and brushed myself off. I looked up at the stars once more and found myself smiling.


Yep, in eighteen days I’ll tell him everything.



I could almost feel Dark Liam smirking inside my head.

Eighteen days is more than two weeks. You won’t last.

I found myself smirking back at him.’s a bet.

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