Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

-          Niall’s POV -

Day 30:

After finally managing to collect my perverted self, I dragged myself out of my room and down the hallway towards the stairs. On my way I couldn’t help but notice a giant gaping hole in the wall.

What the hell?

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to find everyone chatting away happily. Sarah greeted me as I walked into the room:

“Hey Niall! What took you so long?” She chimed, smiling back at me. I blushed and looked at the floor. Louis noticed and jumped at the opportunity.

“Niall was watching porn everyone!!” He sang; pointing directly at me. I clenched a fist.

“What the hell Louis?! I was not!” I defended angrily.

Although he's slightly right.

Zayn and the two girls started laughing and gave me a sympathetic look as if they were giving me their acceptance. I blushed and got even angrier.

“Seriously! I wasn’t!” I defended again; my voice going up an octave. “God damn it Louis, I’ve been back for less than-“

“You’re noisy.” Liam spat out before standing up and walking out of the room. I stared back at him in shock. What the hell is going on..? Louis coughed:

“U-Um... anyway, I was going to-" Louis started but I cut him off.

“Wait a second, do you know why he’s avoiding me?” I asked angrily. Everyone shot sideways glances at each other.

They all know.

I clenched my fists.

“Tell me.” I demanded; glaring around the room.  Zayn scoffed and stood up.

“I don’t owe you anything.” He muttered before storming out after Liam. Everyone else avoided my gaze. I got the overwhelming feeling that I wasn’t welcome. I clenched my fists even tighter.

“Fine then.” I gritted through my teeth before storming out the back door and into the garden. I sat down on the bench that over looked the pool and stared blankly at the water. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed.

Everything is going wrong.

I'd planned to come back from Ireland and confess to Liam, but that plan had obviously failed miserably when I’d seen Liam and Harry making out. I winced at the thought. To add to that; everyone hated me, and I had no idea why. I sighed again and buried my face in my hands.

“How did you fuck up this time Niall?” I asked myself aloud. I heard footsteps approaching from behind me.

“If you honestly don’t know, then I guess I’ll have to tell you.” Louis said coldly. I glanced up at him confusedly. He sat down on the bench next to me and handed me a folded piece of paper. I opened it up, only to find that it was blank. I shot Louis another confused look but he wasn’t looking at me. He was staring at down at his hands. He sighed deeply. “You know what that is..?” He asked. I shook my head.

“A blank piece of paper..?” I answered sarcastically. I wasn’t in the mood for games. Louis shot a glare back at me; I tensed.

“That, is the piece of paper that Liam taped to the wall next to the phone while you were gone.” He spat. “He’d told us that if you left a message for him while he was out, to write it down in case we forgot.” I stared back at Louis; stunned.

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