Chapter 13-Part B

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Chapter 13-Part B:


 - Niall's POV -


Day 29:

I opened the front gate to the house and waved goodbye to one of our security guys. I dragged my suitcase in behind me and shut the gate. I stared back at the house; the lights were on in the living room and I could hear cheering and whistling. They must be drunk or something. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves. I hadn’t seen Liam in over two weeks. My heart was pounding. I started walking towards the house, wheeling my suitcase behind me. I thought back to what mum had told me before I’d left:

“You’ll never be able to move on until you know how he feels about you.” She’d said. “Until you confront him about it, nothing is going to change.” Back then I’d thought that she was crazy, but as the week went on I'd started to see the sense in her words; there was no point in me falling for him if I did nothing about it. I gulped. I was going to tell him. I was going to ask him how he felt. I was going to come clean.

I stopped at the front door; my hand frozen on the handle. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I still wasn’t even sure if I was doing the right thing, but I couldn’t just let this anarchy continue. I took a deep breath and pulled down on the handle. I opened the door quietly and stepped into the house. The warm air from the heater hit me and the sound of drunken laughter filled my ears. I smiled. I was about to jump into the living room and surprise everyone when I heard Louis’ voice:

“Come on guys, they’re not gonna be doing anything! It’s Liam for crying out loud!”

I froze at the sound of his name. I took a step closer and pressed my ear to the wall:

“Come on, you just know that they’re going at it!” Zayn cheered back.

Wait, what?

“That’s it, I can’t take it! Open the damn door! I wanna see if they’re getting it on!” Yelled an unfamiliar female voice. I froze again.

Wait, what? Liam... getting it on..? What door? What the hell’s going on?

I stepped into the living room and saw Louis, Zayn, and two girls that I hadn’t met before all staring at the door to the closet in the corner of the room. One of the girls noticed me and squealed in excitement:

“Yay! Niall’s here!” She exclaimed. The other’s jumped and turned around to see me standing in the doorway. Louis’ jaw had dropped almost to the floor. He looked like he was in distress; his fists were clenched and his shoulders were shaking. Zayn and the girls on the other hand, smiled back at me happily with a huge grin on their faces. I stared at the door and Zayn noticed:

“Don’t open it just yet, we wanna catch them in the act.” He smirked, a cheeky grin growing on his face. I took a step forward.

“I’m telling you they’re full-on making out!” Whined one of the girls. My heart stopped.

Liam..? making out..? with who..?

I let out a choked gasp and let go of my suitcase. I began to approach the door; one step at a time. I knew I didn't want to see it but my body was moving on it's own and I couldn't stop it.

“Go on! Do it!” cheered one of the girls. Every step that I took closer to the door made my heart race faster and faster. I slowly raised my hand as I approached the door, palms sweaty, and gripped the handle tight. I could hear mumbling sounds coming from the other side. I held my breath. I jerked my hand down and flung the door open. As the light from the living room flooded the closet; my eyes grew wide and my mouth fell wide open.

Liam and Harry.

That’s right; my Liam, and Harry, pushed up against the wall of the closet. Liam had planted his forearm above Harry’s head and was leaning over him, just like he’d done to me. Only this was different. Harry’s arm was around Liam’s neck and the other was grabbing onto the back of his shirt. Liam’s other hand was under Harry’s shirt and around his waist; pulling Harry’s body up against his. Both of their eyes were closed and their tongues were in each other’s mouths; fighting for the lead. I stared back at the scene in shock and watched as their tongues and lips slowly stopped moving and they opened their eyes; glancing back at me. Liam’s eyes widened and he instantly pulled away from Harry almost guiltily. Harry fixed his eyes firmly to the wall of the closet and scratched his head. He'd blushed all over.

“Ni-“ Liam began but I didn’t want to hear it. I shut down and clenched my fists shut:

“Hey guys.” I smiled back, forcing down the pain. “Having fun without me, I see.”

I held my expression. I refused to let them see even a glimpse of what was going on inside me. Liam looked gobsmacked. He reached his hand out to me but I stepped back and shut the door in his face. I turned around to see everyone else staring back in shock as well; their mouths wide open, eyes bulging, just like mine had been. I kept a smile plastered on my face:

“...I’m gonna go unpack.” I mumbled before walking over to my suitcase and grabbing the handle. “I’ll see you guys in a few.”

And just like that I wheeled my bag upstairs and into the room and shut the door behind me.

I couldn’t fight the rage anymore.

I kicked my bag over and screamed out. I kicked it again and again until my foot turned numb. I grabbed at my hair and screamed out again. I winced and fell to my knees. I leant my shoulder and head against the door. My body started to convulse as if it was expecting tears but they never came. I just sat there slumped on the floor in the dark; failing at the most pathetic of tasks as I shook and tried to hold myself together.


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