Chapter 30

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Chapter 30:

-          Louis’ POV –

Day 43:

The entire floor area was seated, so Liam had landed amongst the rows of chairs. He was lying on his back with an arm pinned under him. Zayn shot a glance up at me and I nodded. We had to move him onto flat ground. Zayn picked him up as carefully as he could and laid Liam down on the stage. Within seconds a medic team had appeared and was demanding that nobody else touch him. Zayn stood up and everybody gasped. 

Zayn had blood on his shirt.

“...Liam..?” I heard Niall’s voice from behind me.

Oh shi-!

“LIAM?!” Niall screamed out as he threw himself forward.

“Harry! Grab him!” I yelled. Harry and I both lunged at Niall and grabbed his arms; holding him back as best as we could. Niall started to kick and punch in every direction in a desperate attempt to break free. It was useless.

“LET ME GO!!” He screamed.

“You can’t touch him!” I yelled back. He didn’t listen.

“I SAID LET ME GO!!!" He screamed back.

“No! You can’t touch him! He-!“

“You guys are noisy...” Liam’s voice interrupted. Everyone stopped staring at us and shifted their attention back to Liam.

He was sitting up and pressing a hand to his forehead; trying to stop the bleeding. Niall stopped squirming and suddenly his body went limp. He’d passed out. Harry and I had to catch him as he fell to the ground. It took me a second to realise, but that was Dark Liam’s voice.

“What kind of idiot throws a phone at--“

I lunged forward, leaving Niall to Harry, and threw a hand over Liam’s mouth. There was no way in hell I was going to let the fans see that side of him. He stared back at me in confusion with wide eyes.

“Don’t. Say. Another. Word.” I hissed. He must have realised that Dark Liam was out and managed to pull him back in because eventually his eyes softened at me. I slowly pulled my hand away and stared back at him for a moment to check that it was safe before stepping aside and letting the medics take over. They started questioning him and I snuck over to Zayn.

“Take Niall out of here, before Liam sees.” I ordered. He gave me a weird look but I just waved him off. He slowly nodded and snuck over to help Harry drag Niall off of the stage. I made sure to stand extra close to Liam so that he wouldn’t see Zayn and Harry dragging Niall away. The last thing that we needed right now was for Liam to start freaking out.

Liam had remembered everything up until the moment he’d hit the floor.

Apparently a fan had thrown a phone on stage and it had hit Liam in the jaw, temporarily knocking him off balance. He’d then fallen over the edge of the stage and had managed to hit his head on a chair when he’d landed amongst the audience. Eventually the medic gave Liam the all clear and he stood up. The crowd erupted with cheers as he came to his feet. Harry stepped up to the mic and apologised to the fans; announcing that the rest of the concert would be cancelled. The crowd fell silent for a moment until someone screamed out:

“Take care of Liam and Niall! They belong together!!”

I chuckled and rolled my eyes as the crowd started to applaud. At least they weren’t mad. We waved goodbye and slowly walked Liam off stage. I made sure that he went straight to the hospital so that he didn’t see the condition that Niall was in. I was sure that Niall was just in shock and that he’d soon wake up. Okay yeah he was obviously going to be checked out by the medics as well but anyway. My mission, however, was to make sure that Liam didn’t find out until Niall was awake. Because if he did then he’d run off before getting checked out and would probably collapse in a gutter somewhere half way home.

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