Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:

-          Niall’s POV –


Day 32:

That night after we’d gotten back from the restaurant, I went into the kitchen to find something to drink. I was only going to be a second so I didn’t bother turning the light on. I poured a glass of water and got out my phone to check Twitter as I drank it. I checked my mentions and found the usual stuff:

‘Niall follow me xx’
‘Nialler doesn’t know he’s beautiful’
‘I love Niall’ etc.

I continued to scroll down, just in case something weird was going around. What I found I wouldn’t call weird; I’d call it bloody brilliant.

Apparently a fan had been at the restaurant and had taken a picture of the two of us. I sat down at the breakfast bar and stared at the picture for what seemed like hours. It was of that moment on the balcony where Liam was so close that I had to stop myself from leaning over and kissing him. The photo had the two of us staring into each other’s eyes with our lips inches away from each others', and the lanterns and candle light from the restaurant made us look like we were in our own world. The longer I stared at it; the more I felt my heart race. I saved the picture and eventually pulled myself away from it. I checked my home page and sure enough, ‘#NiamIsReal’ was trending worldwide. I smiled like an idiot.

 At least someone’s on my side.

A few moments later the light came on and I turned around to see Liam standing in the doorway looking his normal sex-crave-inducing self. His hair was wet from the shower and was dripping down his face. He had no shirt on and I could see the water droplets running down his rippling muscles. He was also wearing track pants that sat lowly on his waist; leaving his v-lines in full view. I gaped back; unable to look away until he spoke.

“Hey... you alright..?” He asked cautiously as he started coming into the room. I still had a huge smile on my face from that picture.

Shit, stop staring Niall.

“Yeah sure, why Liam?” I chimed. Liam sighed for some reason.

“You didn’t drink all of that vodka, did you.” He asked himself as he shook his head and walked over to the cupboard. He reached up for a glass and I couldn’t help but gape at the way his muscular shoulders flexed as he did it. He looked back over his shoulder at me and I changed my face to one of confusion as I’d realised what he’d said.

“You really scared me for a second there; I’d thought that you’d drunken all of that by yourself in the dark.” He continued; flashing me a brilliant smile. My heart skipped a beat. I laughed nervously and shook my head.

“Jesus Liam, how Irish do you think I am?” I joked. Liam laughed and walked over to the sink. He stood there for a few minutes and I started to get a bad feeling. He turned around and sure enough, he had that same sadistic smile on his face once again.

“I’ve got an idea.” He smirked. “Where’s that bag of fan-mail that we got a few weeks back?”

He walked past me and into the living room. I got up and followed him. I had to make sure that he wasn’t going to do anything traumatising. He opened the door to the closet in the corner and went inside. I froze. The last time I’d opened that door I was almost unable to recover from what I’d seen. I refused to go near it.

After a few moments he came out with a pair of fluffy pink handcuffs that some sneaky fan had sent to us. I gulped. He started walking towards me and I took a step back. He kept coming. He came so close that I could feel his breath on my neck. He held them up to the side of my cheek and whispered in my ear:

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