Chapter 27

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Chapter 27:

-          Niall's POV -

Day 41:

I stared in shock at the more than traumatising scene that I’d stumbled into:

Harry was grinding into Louis on the bedroom floor. Neither of them had any clothes on and I could hear Louis cry out and moan as Harry went even harder.

I stumbled backwards into the hallway and covered my eyes.

Aaaargh! I did not want to see that ever! Fuck!

I stumbled back towards the kitchen; still covering my eyes with one hand and finding my way with the other. I staggered into the living room and grabbed at my hair.

"Holy fuck!" I groaned as I collapsed onto the sheet-covered couch. I heard Liam and Zayn jump off of the counter and slowly walk over to me.

“ alright Nialler..?" Zayn asked. He was more confused than concerned. I groaned again. I couldn't get the image out of my head.

How dare they do that sort of shit around us!

I felt a hand rest on my leg and opened my eyes to see Liam crouching down in front of me. His face was closer than I'd expected. I blushed and shut my eyes again; letting out another groan.

"Don’t ever go into a room to see Harry or Louis without knocking!" I screamed. I grabbed at my hair again and started writhing around on the couch; trying to get the image out of my head. Liam stifled a laugh.

"You don't mean-" He started but I cut him off with another groan.

"They were-! On the-! Aaaaargh!" I screamed out. Zayn and Liam both burst out into hysterical laughter. This must have been brilliant for them. I groaned again and sat up; hanging my head in my hands. Liam and Zayn were now rolling on the floor and clutching at their sides. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, then got up and walked over to the fridge and pulled out the six pack of beer. I needed a drink.


-          Louis' POV -

Day 41:

I was painting the far wall of the bedroom when I heard the door open behind me, followed by the sound of approaching footsteps.

"Who is it?" I called out without bothering to look away from the wall. I didn’t get an answer. All I got was a pair of hands grabbing onto my waist and yanking me backwards and up against a stupidly tall and fit body.


He leant in close and pressed his lips to my ear:

"Guess who..?" He murmured. His low voice had me writhing in my spot. I heard him chuckle and he started to slowly trail his lips down the side of my neck; sucking hard at the skin as he went. I dropped my paint roller. I tilted my head to the side and grabbed his hair to give him more room and to encourage him on. His hands slid around my waist and started to undo the buttons of my shirt. I grabbed one of his hands in a weak attempt at stopping him.

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