Chapter 25

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Chapter 25:

-          Liam’s POV –


Day 35:

After yesterday I couldn’t even look Niall in the eye. I felt insanely self conscious. I’d called Sarah over to help me get my mind off of things, plus the fact that she knew I loved Niall meant that I could ramble to her. We’d stayed at the restaurant after we ate our pizza for at least an hour. It felt so good to clear my head. I’d missed Sarah insanely.

It’s not like we’d a bad break up really. Well, if you could call it a break up. We’d been dating for two years before I’d joined One Direction, and when I’d said that I was going to move to London, we’d both agreed that long distance would be a waste of time. We’d still kept in touch though; and we’d stayed as close as ever, just without the actual intimate stuff we used to do. She’ll always be my best friend. She was the first person I ever loved after all.

But enough about that.

We left the pizzeria at around three thirty in the afternoon and we held hands as we walked back down the street towards the house. Sarah was balancing on the edge of the gutter while I walked along the road. She’d been quiet since we’d left the restaurant and I was starting to get worried.

“What’s up, you?” I asked; flashing a smile. She stopped concentrating on the gutter and looked up at me with a confused look on her face. I chuckled. “You haven’t said anything since we left the pizza place, you alright?” I asked.

“Oooh!” She exclaimed; crushing my hand in the process. I pulled my hand from hers and grabbed at it in pain; gasping for air. She laughed as I felt the tears well up in my eyes. She had a stronger grip than I did.

“Thanks for that, King Kong.” I groaned. She laughed and jumped off of the gutter; skipping ahead of me.

“There’s nothing wrong!” She sang. “I was just thinking about how I’m gonna tell you that Leah and I are moving to London!”

Wait, what?

“See ya!” She yelled, before sprinting off down the street.

“Oi! Wait up!” I yelled back as I bolted after her. Her laughter filled the street as we ran towards the house and I found myself laughing back. She somehow magically jumped the two metre high fence in front of the house and disappeared over the wall. I thought that I could make it, but didn’t want to risk it. I slid open the front gate and found her frantically scrambling to get the front door open. I caught up to her and pinned her against the wall of the hallway once we got inside. The door slammed shut behind us and I stared back at her:

“You’re really moving here..?” I gasped. She grinned back at me and nodded.

“Yep. We’ve already found an apartment, and we’re moving in next week!” She beamed. I was overwhelmed with happiness.

“That’s brilliant!” I yelled as I picked her up and hauled her over my shoulder and started spinning her around as I carried her into the living room. We were both laughing like idiots.

“Calm down Li! You’re making me dizzy!” She screamed but I didn’t care. I laughed even louder. As I span her into the living room; I froze when I saw that everyone else was in the living room too; staring back at us with mouths hung open. I blushed and put her down next to me and scratched the back of my head.

“Uh... sorry. Sarah just told me that she and Leah are moving here next week.” I said softly. I  threw an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. She smiled back up at me and I heard everyone else laugh. Zayn groaned.

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