Chapter 7

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Zhang Yixing / Lay's POV

"Their at the VIP, kaja." Xiumin hyung said as we entered the Night Part Club.

A loud beat of music welcomed us and we saw a lot of SM idols already dancing wildly on the dance floor.

Me and Xiumin hyung were late because he went to the airport to fetch me.

I just came back from China and I'm ready for another comeback. I really missed performing with my members. Performing solo was good too but performing with many people is better. A lot better.

And it's more fun when you're not alone.

We're on our way upstairs when we saw secretary Sonam.

"Minseok-ssi, Yixing-ssi! I'm glad you made it. The others together with your new choreographer and producer are already at the VIP room 1, waiting for you guys. Go ahead and join them." She said.

"Ne, we will go now Sonam-ssi." Hyung said and we continued walking all the way upstairs.

I'm really excited for our comeback. I was really proud of my group when they released the The War album and even won another daesang award at MAMA which is the best album.

I think they did a great job and it was such a waste since I'm not in there.

Like i said earlier i missed them and performing with them that's why I'm so excited for this comeback.

I hope our choreographer slash producer will be a great. I want this comeback to be a blast because we're finally complete (9) again.

Me and Xiumim hyung arrived in front of the VIP room 1. Hyung held the door knob, twisted it and pushed it, opening the door.

I looked at my suit and decided to fix it a little bit. I straightened my black suit, fixed the collar of it and finally, fix my tie.

Even though I'am just only meeting our members, i still want to look good because this is a party after all.

I was still fixing my tie when me and hyung walked in.

"Sorry we're late~~" I heard xiumin hyung said as we entered the VIP room.

"Yeah sorry we're la--" I was about to apologize also but when i raised my head, putting my attention away from my tie,  I saw a familiar girl that I haven't seen for one-two- three--- that i haven't seen since forever.

Of all the people, she is the person i least expected to be here.

And yeah i remember that she's now a well known choreographer and producer.... and that's when i realize that she's the one who will handle us for our next comebacks.

She's with us during the whole world tour...


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I don't want to be awkward with her because we will see each other probably everyday even if we like it or not. We obviously had no choice.

I stopped fixing my tie and continue to looked at her, squinting my eyes so that she'll thought that I'am still had no clue why the fuck is she here.

I walked towards their table, still not breaking my eye contact to her.

"Jiyeom?" I finally said. I saw her gulped when i called her.

She's different now. In fact, she's better now. Wayyy better than before.

I mean she's pretty before but now she's even prettier.

She's wearing a simple black tight dress that ends 5 inches above her knees and that dress hugs her body, revealing her curves.

I stopped fantasizing her mentally when someone asked me,

"You already know her??" Kim Jong In asked.

I saw Kai sitting beside Jiyeom. His hands are wrapped around her shoulders, making me jealous. And seeing them now, i already sense that there something going on between them. It's either The great play boy Kim Jong In approach her or Jiyeom finds a way for Jong In to approach her.

I know Jiyeom.

She will never approach a guy first. She doen't like to make the first move because she feels like the guy who will approach her will step on her ego.

She's that girl who has a thick ego and let's just say she's a bit arrogant for a girl.

She's really different.

She likes wearing those short dresses, girly stuffs but if you get to know her she's so much more than that.

She's an amazing and incredible person, and i love her for that.

"Yes." I replied to Kai.

I saw the other members confused face on my peripheral vision and I almost laugh because their face was priceless. I know they are curious how the hell did I know Jiyeom, but i can't let them know the reason..

"Annyeong Park Jiyeom. It's nice to see you again" I said.

Kim Jong In raised his left eyebrows and smirked.

It's totally obvious that there is something going on with him and Jiyeom, I'm planning to ruin them.

I can't deny that my heart still beats fast by just looking at her face.

I can say this is my chance to get her again.

I know i fucked up last time but i now i have another chance, i don't wanna screw it again.

Jiyeom stood up and greeted back, "I-it's nice to see you too, Zhang Yixing-ssi."

She's stuttering, which means she's nervous, But being the Park fucking Jiyeom, she acting like she's not.

Well, she should be nervous because if she wants Kai or vise versa, they ain't going to get what they want.

Everybody thought that I'am innocent because i look like one. People nowadays will judge you based on what you look like. If the person is pretty, they would thought that she is nice and will treat her nicely. If they saw an ugly person, people will treat that person like crap and will judge that person non stop.

That's the sad truth about this world. Life is unfair so why do you want to be fair?

Here's an advice, make sure to make yourself your priority. Don't think about anyone first. If you think you finally found the thing that can make you happy, make sure to get it before anyone else could.

And that's what I'am planning to do right now. I'm going to get the girl that will make me happy.

The others just looked at us and Jong In is rolling his eyes while smirking

"U-uhh annyeonghaseyo Park Jiyeom-ssi, I'm looking forward at working with you.." Xiumin hyung cleared his throat and said.

Jiyeom averted her gaze to Xiumin hyung, and she bowed and smiled.

I decided to make a move already. I walked towards their table where Jiyeom was and leaned closer to her...

[End of chapter 6]

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